Saturday, April 27, 2024

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God Reveals The Glory Of His Names Through Science

As seen in the Word of God, there are several titles and attributes God uses, but we don’t understand. Thus, most of us don’t know why God decides to use those titles, names or attributes to describe Himself in those particular ways.

Through a divine encounter, the Holy Spirit took His time to explain these title names and attributes of God to me, by using scientific explanations. Well, I didn’t know that God’s title names were also Science related. But according to the Spirit, these names of God, have scientific bases and justifications, because of how God came about, and what His nature is.

Now, when He was done teaching, and explaining them to me, I was amazed, by His teachings! I had never actually heard them this way; I was surprised.

The Origin of the title ‘God’

Now, the Spirit explained that, the actual meaning, or the esoteric meaning of the title ‘God’ means: Power, Energy or Force.

This, then should explain why God is ‘ The Power’ in the Bible.



Mark 14:62 NASB


“I am,” said Jesus, “and all of you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.”

Mark 14:62 ESV


Notice, that Jesus, called God Power. According to God’s Spirit, the reason why Jesus called His eternal Father Power, is because the Eternal Father actually originated from a Power-Source realm, and by nature, He’s Power. I have done an extensive explanation in one of the posts the Lord had told me to write. (This was a post, the Lord told me to write, and title as, ‘God has now revealed His Origin to the World.’ (You can read it after reading this post).

Well, for so long most of us, have understood the title ‘God’ to mean ‘a spiritual authoritative figure.’

Well, this has been due to our initial interpretation of the scriptures, which were done by mostly religious people. However, the title actually means ‘a Power,’ ‘Energy’ or ‘a Spiritual Force.’

Thus, the Father’s title, is a SCIENTIFIC title, meaning ‘ a Power, a Force, or an Energy.’

Hence, that was why God, was the Power, Energy or Force that gave life to men, women, plants, as well as anything coming into the world.

Of course, if not for the fact that He is a Super-than natural Power, Force, or Energy, He wouldn’t have possessed Spiritual Energy or Force over all things, in both this life, and over there, in the Spirit-realm.

Hence, God is the source of all supernatural energies, and natural powers; He is the Power, behind all Authorities, both in the Spirit realm, and in here.

Hence, the Father is a Power being, which is why He only does things, which are said to be done by Power.

Therefore, Apostle Paul revealed, that the kingdom of God is about Power; its not about eating and drinking. Its actually about Kingdom Power Demonstration.

Hence, Jesus who is God, said, that when He goes back, He would be sitting, at the right hand of the ‘POWER,‘ who is God the Father.



Mark 14:62 NASB


Therefore, the Power Jesus was talking about was God, The Father!


Why God The Father also uses the attribute-‘Creator’

Now, if by Science, Power is known as ‘The Rate at which Work is Done’, then God, who is called The Power, was the ‘Rate at which Every Work was Done,’.

Of course, we all know, that Power, is ‘The Rate At Which Work Is Done. Hence, If Scientists saw that Power was the rate at which work was done, then God, was this Power, called by ‘Jesus,’ as ‘The Power’ by which every work was done; that is every work of the Creations indeed!

In other words, without ‘This Power’, no work can be done; and in this case this Power, which was God, also created everything that we even see today, both in the Heavens and in the Earth, respectively!

And so, If God is Power, then it means that He was the rate by which every work is, and was done, Therefore, God could qualify Himself to be called ‘The Creator’-which created all things, according to everything from His Glory.

This, absolutely means that, the word ‘Power’, which we use here on earth, qualifies God’s Glory.

Now, look down at the scripture below, which Paul stated, regarding an element like Power, which reveres God’s glory too in the Heavens.

For from the first making of the world, those things of God which the eye is UNABLE TO SEE, that is, HIS ETERNAL POWER AND EXISTENCE ARE FULLY MADE CLEAR, he having giving the knowledge of them THROUGH THE THINGS HE HAS MADE.

Romans 1:20 BBE

This scripture means that, the Father’s invisible qualities, such as His Power nature, is revered here on earth, through the physical powers, we see on earth, which also, He had created.

Thus, the Lord said to me that, by the study of earthly Powers, or Energies or Forces, we can understand God’s behaviour in certain ways, that is, to understand why God, who is the Power, is able to also create and make things. Secondly, we could also understand God’s origin by how Power, can come about.

Why He uses the attribute: ‘Abba Father’

Now, if God, is the Power, by which all things has been done, then He’s the Owner of it. He’s the Eternal Father of it. He has the legal right to it-to all the things He had created.
O yes, He has the right to it; the right to cause it to live, or to destroy it, at anytime, He wills.

‘So, from the explanations above, you can understand where the title Father came from,’ said the Holy Spirit to me.

According to Him, this title Father means ‘Source;’-Thus, The Source. So, the title Father, is used by God to connote that, He created all things, in the Earth and in the Universe, including everything we have been seeing in each of them. Therefore, they represent His glory.

Thus, He can call Himself Abba Father’ to mean that, He is the source and provider of everything in here, in this House-which is the house we live in currently, called the Universe; as well as the heavens He lives in above. He had adopted, to feed all of us as His children, apart from being the God who had created all of us. Notice what the scripture says here;


So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we (You, and I) call him, “Abba, Father.”

Rom. 8:15 NLT.


Hence, God considers us as His children whom He has fed, and He’s still feeding.
That’s why He created, for us, all these Economic Resources we see on the Earth. Thus, if we do refuse Him, or disobey Him, He has the right to also punish us, no matter who we think we are. Yet, He God is not answerable to anyone.

That was why when Adam and Eve sinned against Him, He then cursed the Earth, because the Earth, belonged to Him; which is why men are suffering today-but no politician can turn the hand of God-to withdraw the hand of God.

Now, by logic, if I am the One who created Something, I become the Father of it, that means, I become the Source of it. Yes, this is pure, logical. Hence, I have the right to judge it, and do whatever I please with it, according to how I deem fit-with it. So, this is what God does with us; its not about what you think on earth; but its about what He thinks, in Heaven, which controls all our motives, as well as decisions.

That’s how God is, since, He created us all, according to His Power. He’s the Master, of us all, and shall be judging us all in the future; He is still the One, who holds the future (destinies) of our lives.

In this case, we have no right, than to do, what God pleases-before His judgment Day comes. Remember, father’s have rights, to use the flogs, upon us.


Why God uses the title: ‘Eternal or Everlasting Father’

Moreover, when usually the average man is asked whether he can guess how God originated, we usually hear him say ‘God never had a beginning, He was just there! He just existed!’ However, though this statement has some amount of truth, it is sometimes hard to fathom how this can be possible.

In fact, to say God was just there, you wouldn’t be taken seriously, if you were to do this in the light of Science. In this modern world, unless you can justify your claims with Science, you cannot be taken seriously.

That means, you may have to go further to explain your point, of how GOD the Eternal Father, was just there with nothing but with proof, or with scientific facts.

They say, ‘Did not God also exist without a cause if everything should have a cause for which they exist?

If God created matter, what created Him? Thus, God couldn’t just be there, if we believe He exists?,’ So, atheists continually argue this out.

They say that if we cannot explain what created God, then God doesn’t exist at all.

Therefore, He’s nothing but a myth! Thus, for the lack of a proper scientific understand ing regarding God’s origin, atheists don’t believe in this whole fuss about God.

However, according to the Holy Spirit, God’s eternal or everlasting nature, can be explained. Hence, this is also easy, to explain scientifically. ‘God’, which means ‘Energy, Power or Force’, cannot be created nor destroyed, because according to their own scientific investigations, they say that an ENERGY cannot be created nor destroyed.

Hence, if energy cannot be created nor destroyed then it means God, who is by naturea Power or Energy Being cannot be created and destroyed. And so He was just there. Therefore, if Energy cannot be destroyed, then God who is Energy, cannot be destroyed, too; and that means He can live forever.

Secondly, if God cannot be destroyed because He’s Energy, and so can live forever, then we say that, He’s Eternal, or Everlasting. How can Power die, if that Power cannot be destroyed?

Hence, God is just there. He has no Father nor Mother, and thus, He’s fearful to be praised. So, you see, God is explaining to us, how His title names had come about here.

Thus, God is The Power.

This is why the Spirit of God said that, if we can know about how Power, Energy, or Force come about, according our scientific knowledge, then we can know how God also, the Power and Energy came about to become The Father of Life.


So, the Bible emphatically stated, that…those things of God which the eye is UNABLE TO SEE, that is, HIS ETERNAL POWER AND EXISTENCE ARE FULLY MADE CLEAR, he having giving the knowledge of them THROUGH THE THINGS HE HAS MADE (SCIENCE).

Romans 1:20 BBE


Hence, we can, be able to know about God’s origin, as well as His pre-existing natures, since He’s e Power, Force or Energy, for God has made them clear, by use of His nature.

So, Science, carries the knowledge of God.

Therefore, God is indeed Eternal or Everlasting, because as Energy, He cannot die. For whatever can live forever, will not die.

Why God Calls Himself ‘Alpha and Omega, First and Last, The Beginning and the End, and Ancient of Days’

First, if God is the Source of all things, Then He’s the Beginning of All Things. Meaning that, He’s the Alpha, and First of All Things that He has created to live down, forever.

Secondly, if God, cannot be destroyed, and therefore will live forever, then He would live forever to see the End of Days (All Times). He will not die, so that He will not see the rest of the things, that will happen, at the end of the world. He’s God, the Ancient One. Infact, He would be the last one to judge us all. Thus, if we had come from Him, then we would all go back to our source-for judgment. Thus, He’s also the Omega, the Last, and End thereof. Therefore, He also says:


I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End’ Rev. 22:13

Until the Ancient One–the Most High–came and judged in favor of his holy people. Then the time arrived for the holy people to take over the kingdom.

Dan 7:22 NLT.


The Earth will decay and fold, but He will still remain, to speak, upon all things.

Heaven and earth (The Universe) will pass away, but My words will never pass away.

Mark 24:35 CSB.


The Holy Spirit explained further that, if God was not created, then it means He was eternal or lived on forever, thus was there before Time and Space.

Neither would He have an end during Time (So He’s also there now), and will still be there after Time too. He is an Energy or Power being. As energy cannot be destroyed, God also cannot be destroyed or can He die. Men will die, but God as an energy being will remain forever.

Power, as we know, is also responsible for starting, and for ending Time. Therefore, God existed before Time, was created, to be the Creator of Time; and He’s the Power which will be stopping Time.

So He was the Supernatural Power which created Time and Space, for His own Purposes. For without Him, Time, being our Universe, wouldn’t have been started.

So, this, He has said He would do when the end time comes, according all plans of His glory. Yet, God Himself would live forever more, to be the Forever living God, whom we know of, just because, He can’t be destroyed.

So God’s Word, (the Son of God) remains forever just as the same, as the Father. The Father’s words are made of creative power or energy because He Himself is a Power Being and so whatever comes out of Him is by nature Power Energy as well. Thus Jesus, who is His Word in Him, cannot die. Hence, both the Son and the Holy Spirit who are from Him, are Power and Energy Beings, and cannot die too, like Him.

They are full of active Power, and they like the Father, do miracles through active power demonstration. They shall do more of this, during these Last Days, as they have spoken. Thus, they use their inherent power or spiritual energies, to work every day, for us.

And so, while having everlasting (a never-ending) cosmic powers over all things, they are also able to have dominion over all things, also.

Thus, the Bible said of God;


How God (THE POWER, ENERGY, FORCE) anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit (THE HOLY SPIRIT IS LIKEWISE A POWER BEING) and with POWER. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God (THE POWER, ENERGY AND FORCE) was with him.

Acts 10:38 ESV


Hence, human history is under God’s major watch and control through Supernatural Energies; and Powers. One thing all scientists can tell us is that the universe is just a combination of diverse forms of powers, energies and forces operating together. That is why we have potential energy, chemical energies, centrifugal force, centripetal force, kinetic force or energy, static force, wind force or energy, light energy, dark energy, life energy, death energies, thermal power or force, gravitational force, water energy, electrical energy, radioactive energy, electromagnetic force or energy, electromotive force or energy and so many of them.

These and many more are basically the powers, energies and forces which hold the universe together or it would crush, or not stand, as it is. But God, is about to stop them all, when the Day comes, to bring a New Glory of His Eternal Home, for which the righteous, shall enjoy.

He will do it again, when the right Day comes.


God calling Himself The ‘Immortal, Invincible and Omnipotent God’

Simply, if God cannot also die, then He is immortal. Thus, He is THE IMMORTAL GOD (A Power which can’t die). Therefore we are to understand that, God also qualifies to use the name ‘IMMORTAL,’ to qualify His name.

Also, if He can’t die, then God, who is not a respecter of persons, is also AN INVINCIBLE FORTRESS. Hence, He’s just too powerful to be overcome, just because, He The Father, can’t just die.

Therefore, the Bible speaks of Him and says;


All honor and glory to God forever and ever! He is the eternal King, the unseen ONE WHO NEVER DIES; he alone is God (The POWER). Amen.
1 Tim. 1:17 NLT


The NIV version speaks of the immortality of God in this way:


Now to the King Eternal (never-ending), immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
1 Tim. 1:17 NIV


Moreover, since the LORD is an energy being, which cannot die, it makes all the sense why He is also called Omnipotent (an all-powerful) One, the unbeatable, unshakable and unmovable, a Great and a Mighty Fortress, and an eternal fortress. In fact it means that the Lord God cannot die in battle, even if all the enemies were to be upon Him, alone.

Therefore, the Bible states that we are to fear Him!

Truly, I have not heard of a day the devil, for once outwitted God; no, never, not even for once in my life time.

And according to the Lord, during the time of the battle in heaven, it was not even God who fought the devil and his cohorts; it was some of His selected angels whom He choose and gave them victory of these demons, and their cohorts.

What it means, is that if it was God who had done it, it would have been worse off, than what these selected angels, did to them (Satan and His cohorts)

Secondly, it did not sound like, God was afraid of the Devil, when He came to Him, to talk about Job’s spiritual welfare. It means that, God is a God of Faith, Hence, the Fear that we have enough, is not from God.

Like David testified, God indeed is a sure defense, a strong tower which nobody can pull down, an immortal being full of everlasting faith and vitality.

We only saw small joules of God’s power and strength resting upon mere mortals like David, Samson, Gideon, Joshua, Moses, Elisha and Elijah, of how they shook nations mightily, though they were single individuals. Do you think God The Mighty is a Joke?

Therefore, the Bible states that those who lay their foundations on God, are wise indeed, and those who lay their foundations, outside His Faith and Vitality, are foolish Ones, building their hopes on sinking sands. Of course, this includes those who trust in their money, their love life, their physical properties, or estates, than the Almighty God.


And the angels said ‘Amen, Amen blessings and glory, wisdom, thanksgiving and honor. Power and Might belongs to our God, forever and ever, Amen.’

Rev. 12:7′

‘The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.’

Mark 14:62 KJV


Our God is a God of Light; the battle of light and darkness, had been won before the world begun. Its now not going to be. O, who can stand against the Lord, no one can, no One will. Who can stand against the King, no one will, and no one can. Yes, the victory belongs to Jesus.

That is why God is always prophesying of future events before the even happen.

As a result, God gave the book of revelations, which has already talked about the future of the world, prophesying of the things that will happen, while still speaking about how many evils His light overcame; and how much sins, His love has overcome.


Further Extensions of His Names.

Thus, apart from His name and title ‘God’ which means Power, Energy or Force, God also calls Himself ‘The Father,’ a name we may forget sometimes, or perhaps, reject.

Yes, He is the Father of all things that are both visible and invisible. We know that through His eternal powers, all things were made, because of Him.

Now, though The Father or Source, He was also from an eternal realm He calls Himself, ‘The Eternal or the Everlasting Father.’ Moreover, because as a Power being, He is by nature powerful, He refers to Himself as ‘The Almighty Father.’

And God’s nature too, being light rendered Him the reason why He should call Himself ‘The Eternal Father of Lights.’

Then also, because He is a being full of supernatural life-giving energies, it provides Him the concrete reason why He should give Himself Name ‘The Father of Life, ’ and ‘the Father or Eternal Life’ to mean, He who is The Source of Life.

Thus, and again, its only a father like that who could say; Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession,’ through His Grace, and of the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which we received from Him, through the death on a Cross. So when you see these names in the Bible, know what God is talking to you about! He’s not ignorant, to call Himself by these names, and attributes.


Prince Akogo

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