Monday, September 16, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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There Must Be Love Among Us

Lots of love;

Beloved, the Lord said to me:

‘The world cannot move on without love. Fighting with each other will not do it. Hatred wouldn’t do it.

Love is everything; when we have genuine love for one another, there won’t be fear among us; we can virtually talk to anyone, smile with anyone and move from place to place.

Love will make us happy in the various societies we live in. Love will prevent crime; love brings peace. Love brings joy.

It’s simple; it means we follow the Golden Rule, which means, we wouldn’t have to do bad things to others-being the same things we wouldn’t want them to do onto us.

Love drives out all fear. There must be tolerance of each other.

The truth of the matter is, we’re one as a world. The physical differences such as race or colour (complexion), does not change the fact that, we’re all one. From God’s perspective, varieties, also in the human race, is just a spice of life, for we cannot be the same, we’ll be boring. When God should look at us, this human kingdom will be just boring; hence, the differences in several spectrums, which does not mean he prefers one to the other.

He loves us all, in our strengths, weaknesses, as well as uniqueness. All these unique features, puts us all the colours together as one great and beautiful fabric. Yes, the same varieties are noticed also in the plant kingdom, as well as in the animal one. Therefore, let us learn to love and respect ourselves with this understanding at the back our minds.

May God bless you. 

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Prince Akogo
Prince Akogo
Prince Kafui, is a prophet, who God started revealing this insightful information to since He was called into ministry in the year 2006. We’re Glad You Came.


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