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How Something had come out of Nothing

How Something had come out of Nothing


(Note: The first part is to explain how physical Space came about. However, this is the same as you will find in some other posts here in order not to confuse people.)


When Vapour, which is energy, should move in a specific direction it creates a random pattern which is a form of intelligence, and this same pattern or intelligence will soon or later be destroyed by the same vapour or energy, when in its eternal flow, comes back to destroy the same random pattern or intelligence it first created. This may either be instantly, sooner or later.

Hence, the first production of intelligence was a positive action (+) and its second action of destroying its own intelligence, either sooner or later makes it negative (-). Hence, this same energy is able to have both positive and negative intelligence within it.

This makes energy an unleashed power with positive (+) and negative (-) behaviours or intelligence, thus giving it a proton (+) power, and also the power of electrons (-) to exist in it.

So, it means energy can actually create itself and destroy itself again (according to one system of understanding; and actually God told me that energy can also be created too. He is able to create and form one).

Now, the continuous cycle of producing its own intelligence and destroying its own intelligence, by enabling the positive actions to be crossed or cancelled out by the negative action, will cause nothing to exist, and thus making the realm Null (0).

The null-ness is what creates the vacuum or void called Space, with nothing existing in it, except vapour.

Why should Vapour fill Space up? This is because Emptiness of Nothingness, in appearance, behaves as Vapour or vapourizing gases in an out of a realm. And so vapour is also known as Null (0) or a Void too.

Hence, the same vapourwhich fills the Space, is the energy with positive and negative charges (protons and electrons (the atoms)) due to its positive and negative intelligent behaviours.

So that is why Energy existed in Space before Time, but as Nothing or Null-ness. That is the reason for Space (the void) still having energies and charges flowing through its realm as vapour.

In addition, the realm called Space will also have a ‘Hole’ in it, in which nothing but only an energy of vapour will exist within it and also beyond it. And the hole will be a hole without end, or a deep hollow without an end, in the same realm.

Hence, apart from the vapourization of gases, a hole or tunnel without an end will also be a second symbol, which would indicate the emptiness and nothingness existing in the realm of nothing.

Another reason for which this hole, which would exist in Space would have no end or limit, is because its end shall still be of gas (the vapourization of gases). Because gas is a penetrative material it would create unending hole in Space.

Hence, the hole will be like an endless hole(being called the black hole).

Apart from this reason, the hole will be eternal, thus endless because, the hole would be filled with energy. As we know, one property of energy too is that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

Hence, if energy cannot be created nor destroyed, the gaseous energy which appears as vapouring gas, can’t be destroyed, and thus will cause the realm to be eternal.

This therefore explains why there is an endless hole called Black Hole in Space; later on, we shall understand why the hole will actually be black.

(Thus, if something should exists beyond the universe, it is nothing, and beyond the nothing is nothing as well; beyond this nothingness, will also be nothing as well).

So then, what would exist beyond the universe would be energy, that is, (the vapourization of gases), and it would be nothing, and would be endless according to its nature.

So yes, the black hole is another sign of the null nature of Space, where nothing exists.


Moving Gases in Space

As Gases do not move in any particular direction, we see these gases (vapour) moving within the whole realm of Space according to its direction.

In summary, before everything came to be, this was how Space was, and had created a hole within itself, called (The Black Hole). It had been a realm with t vapour (nothingness), as result of the fact that, whatever is created, ended up being destroyed, by atomic behaviour.

Vapour created the emptiness of nothingness, and nothingness generated the empty hole called the black hole, which is is a vacuum or void in Space.


How the realms and Energies of the Realm or World Came about

When something is said to be a Realm or a World, it is understood as–an atmosphere of energies or colliding charges being static in a body or vacuum or in motion in this body or vacuum.

Therefore, Space is indeed a REALM or a WORLD too. It was and still is a physical realm or world of powerful energies and charges, thus, having positive (+) and negative (-) electrons flowing through this realm.

Source of Electromagnetic,Kinetic, Electromotive, and other forms of Energy in the whole Universe

So, initially, we saw how the electrons (of negative and positive charges) had come about to exist in the emptiness of Space, and to have even created Space. They were the ones which had created Space as an empty body, seen today by us.

This means, as these electrons are in continuous flow as vapour or gas throughout the realm, these electrons would create an electro-motive energy fused with kinetic energy (electron in motion energy) to be present everywhere they had flowed throughout in the universe.

Moreover, when these same electrons are in motion, they would be getting themselves sticked to each other, thus, also generating an electro-magnetic energy (The electrons-attaching to themselves – energy).

This particular important kind of energy, will as well fill the entire realm of Space. These three energies will flow together and entirely as vapourization of gases; yet this same vapour is the same emptiness of nothingness to make up ‘Space.’ Hence, the above reasons are the reasons why we have Kinetic, electromotive and electromagnetic energies (the forces which are also responsible for radiation) in Space.

Of course, these are fundamental energies flowing through the realm of Space. They had existed with Space as One before Time was separated and generated.

The power (vapour), flowing (moving: kinertic energy), in fusion or together with the electromagnetic and electromotive energy will also flow into, out of, and also through the black hole; for this would be because, the hole was created out of the same energy, to become the sign of nothingness existing in the realm.

Hence, these energies were also the reason why Space is called a Realm or a World because of the flow (current flow) of positive and negative electrons or charges.

Thus we can have ‘Space’ to be called the Earth Realm or World.


The Sources of all other forms of Energies and their diverse Nature of Space gas

Now, the Electromagnetic, Kinetic, Electromotive Energies, being the primary Energy filling up Space, did have the properties to create other kinds of energies too, to fill up Space.

For example, electromagnetic, kinetic energy together with electromotive energy are able to create other forms of energies and forces;


  1. Potential energy-when force stops an object and causes the body to rest in Space. kinetic Energy can cause a moving body to stop
  2. Centripetal and centrifugal energies of Space-forces away and toward the Sun as a result of electromagnetic force fields.
  3. Force of Drag and Pull-When forces move a heavenly body along through the forces of kinetic energy
  4. Gravitational force (also induced by the kinetic, potential and electromagnetic energies)
  5. Inertia- is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion; this includes changes to its speed, direction or state of rest. It is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line at constant velocity. Resistance can be caused by both electromagnetic and kinetic energy.
  6. Sound Energy-when opposite currents collide under high speed (e.g. to generate thunder). We know that Sound Energy is caused by electromagnetic and kinetic energy as well.
  7. (Radiation) These are created by Electromagnetic energy+ Gravitational Energy)-Radiation is the type of energy which radiates lights


All these energies come with force and power. A Force is created out of energy or by energy; same as Power. However, sometimes they are used interchangeably.

These 3 energies, will combine together to form all forms of energy existing within Space and Time. This is because of the intelligent behavior of atoms that keep flowing through Space.


Diverse Gases also in Productions

Apart from several types of energy and forces, many diverse kinds of gases would also be formed as well, according to diverse state of their energy levels per moment of time, either high or low, and also according to the nature of how the currents are balanced within them, together with other factors.

So the reason for diverse kinds of gases existing in Space is because of these same energies as well which together as vapour.

(We know that the Gases of Space are ionized, which means they contain charges). However, where did these gases of Space got these charges from?

Of course, they are from the same charges flowing through the realm together with the vapour, which in itself is gas. They have been flowing as ionized gases, throughout the realm of Space or the universe from eternity.


How the Dark Energy Matter Had Come to Existence

The reason why there is Dark Energy Matter covering Space even though there are electrical charges flowing through it, is actually because these electrical charges (+ and -) flowing through the dark matter, are not in Perfect Balance , in order for them to create light.

So, as a result of the lack of a perfect balance between inherent opposite charges of the energy body filling Space, darkness or dark energy matter (vapour or gas), has filled it up.

Therefore, for the lack of a perfect balance, the vapour or gases which fills up Space, has the Colour of Blackness or Darkness, which we call the Dark Energy Matter. Hence, Space’s Matter is darkness!

Therefore, the energy which fills Space (the Void) is rather made up of Dark Gases in motion, and it has filled the whole void, from eternity.

Hence, the world’s appearance or nature is a world or realm of a dark-energy matter or Dark gases in motion, moving from one place of this eternal realm to another.

Yet, in this body or realm of dark energy are electrons, which are moving and attracting each other, hence the reason why we see Electromagnetic Energies flowing through the Dark Matter.

This Dark Matter contains Dead Energies.

Secondly, apart from the effect of darkness covering the whole realm, there are energies of DEATH (called Dead Energies) too in fusion with the dark energies.

The reason for these dead energies is also due to the lack of perfect balances between inherent opposite charges and energies in the realm.

How do we know that? For instance; Life, as known in Biological Science Studies, comes into existence, when the opposite charges, ((x) and y (-) chromosomes) also join to form a perfect balance. That means that, an imperfect balance of those energies (chromosomes) creates Dead Energies.

Giving another example, in the human Spirit, there are both positive (+) and negative (-) energies to give it the energy of life, because of the presence of electromotive and electromagnetic energies inside it. So in other words, apart from light, it as well takes positive (+) and negative (-) energies to generate life.

Therefore, when there are no perfect balances among the inherent energies and their charges, it will constantly result in low energy levels being unleashed (which is the current nature of the dark energy matter),instead of a high energy level needed for the generation of both life and light energies in Space.

Hence, low energies are unleashed constantly due to lack of perfect balances in the dark matter. These low energies will thus produce energies of death in the dark matter. Nb. This is why places around the dark matter, according to scientists are not habitable zones.

So, in other words, it is the unleashing of Low energies that brings about death, when there as a result of imperfect balances.

To give one more example, you know that when a man’s physical energies are too low, he can fall die and die. That is why he has to eat to boost his physical energies levels, to be high enough, in order for him to live.

Thus, the Dark Matter which occupies Space (the Void), is not only made up of only Dark Energy or Dark Gases in Motion, but is in fusion with Dead Energies as well, because of its low energy levels through imperfect balances of inherent opposite charges and energies.

So the realm had been a realm of a Dead and Dark Energy Matter, creating itself through atomic intelligence. Thus, the Energy which existed before Time was Dark Matter in vapourized form, filling up the realm of Space. It had filled the black hole too to make it black.

How Possibilities Exists Inside Impossibilities

Initially we saw that, when there is continuous crossing out of positive intelligence and negative intelligence, whatever is being produced keeps being destroyed, and whatever is destroyed, keep on being replaced by other intelligence, created by intelligence of atoms. It has always been a continuous cycle, for which eternity exists.

Therefore, it brings us to an understanding that, in energy is both something and nothing at the same time. One condition will exist if it is not destroyed by the other, though it is found being destroyed always. Something gets created and its destroyed by nothing.

Thus, something can exist in nothingness, and nothingness can also come out of Something. Yet, as a continuous cycle, Something had been coming out of the Nothingness consistently, and Nothing had also been coming out of the Something too in consistent manner.

How Something Had Finally Come of Nothing In the Universe

How did this Something finally came out from Nothing (which is the vapourization of Gases of Space), and got this stamina to live up to this moment?

We aware that this has become one thing that baffled scientists, of how Something came out of Nothing, in the ‘spirit’ or this vapourized realm.

Of course, it is well noted that everything has a cause for which it exists; hence the heavenly or the cosmic objects which we see in Space definitely came out of nothing, through a cause.

Now, this was how something had happened:

Though the realm was filled with nothing, however, because of these same inherent opposite charges (+ and – charges) and energies existing in it, there were still possibilities hidden inside this same realm of impossibilities, called nothingness, which appears in the form of vapour.

Initially, we saw that the world was full of both positive and negative charges, yet the realm was still full of darkness and dead energies, in which nothing dwells.

Thus, since the realm was a charged realm, and also contained several productive energies before Time, it suggests that though it was filled with conditions of darkness and death, as long as those productive energies and opposite charges(+ and -) existed in the realm, there were still great possibilities of something being able to be created out of the nothing.

This is because these same charges (positive (+) and negative electrons (-) and energies are the same electrons or charges needed to generate the direct opposite condition of darkness and death, which are Light and Life energies, to fill up Space.

Of course, the same charges, when imperfectly balanced will generate darkness and death, but when a perfectly balanced, are the same charges which can generate energies light and life too.

This means that if the same inherent charges in the Dark Energy Matter should come into RIGHTFUL CONNECTION or Balance at any moment with Eternity, ionized gases of LIGHT in fusion with LIFE energies (a radioactive light) would be generated.

Almost immediately, they would start traveling or shining out as the Lights with Life energies. (A light in-fusion with Life Energies).


Yes, and of course; this would only happen ONLY AND ONLY when the inherent charges are to come into rightful balance. With that happening, it means have been great and sudden changes in energy levels.

Nonetheless, this was soooo possible.

Because, as much as energy and the inherent opposite charges are in unending motion as vapour in the dark and dead vacuum, they would definitely collide limitless times , either, by relatively low , or high pressures, depending on how low or high the energy levels are.

Thus, out of the many collisions and coming together of inherent opposite charges and productive energies, it is possible for several (distinct) kinds of light energies, with life energies fused together with them, to be created in Space’s dark and dead matter.

That means that it was highly possible for something to be created out of nothing and this something would first be birthed as a radioactive light infused with life energies. It would be a source of life with light energies.

Now, this light in fusion with light energies would still have the nature of vapour or Gas, because it will have the nature of the realm.

That means it would have a wavy effect as radiation, a gas with would be full of ions (ionizing effect), and it would contain all those other energies flowing through the same darkness or dark energy matter as well.

This means that out of the same darkness, the properties of light and life would be created. It is already no news amongst scientists that Light indeed, can be created out of darkness; Same as life, from dead energies too.

Therefore, something of worth of life can basically be created out of a world of dead energies, when there should be changes in energy levels, through the perfect balance of the inherent charges.


The Presence and the Reason for CMB behind Dark Energy Matter

These gases of lights with life energies, despite how strong or weak they are, would occur and be seen afar as light, in which ever section the collision should take place in the dark matter, between opposite charges and energies inside or behind the dark energy matter. Hence, this is why the dark matter seems to have spots of lights all over.

So, this is also the primary reason why scientists see random effect oflight particles behind the dark energy matter- the realm which is also infused with electromagnetic power and electromotive power. This visible effect, they have called it the Cross Microwave Background, or shortly, the CMB.

Now, the only reason why these lights behind the dark realm are very low, and wouldn’t come out of the viscous-looking dark matter is because, their energy levels are still relatively lower, when compared to how much dark energies generated by the dark matter of the whole universe.

There had come a moment within the universe, when inherent charges had come into perfect balance, as a result of the flow of the charges, and an ionized gas of light and life energies had come out strongly of this darkness. Yet this light with life energy figure came out where the darkness is a vacuum or void (The black hole), and then this Light Energy which is also filled with life energies, is seen moving out of the black hole. It could move out because there are no obstacles on its way, as it pases through the whole, and it comes out of the Black Hole, as light emerging from a Pit of Darkness.

It could travel out because of its gaseous and radioactive nature (the travelling of light), whiles most of the other lights are buried behind the dark matter as CMB.-This is the Simple Mystery of the Black hole.


The Coming Out of the Stars

Some lights which had come out very strong, from and behind the darkness gases, through perfect balance of the inherent charges and energies, had freed themselves as Stars. And so we see them close to the Dark Matter.

Hence, Stars are ionized gases because of the energies in them, as a result of their source. They are lights because they had come out as a perfect balance of the energies and perfect balances of charges. They maintain their gaseous or radioactive states because the realm they had come from is also gaseous by nature.

Various Cosmic lights (Stars) in the realm can be created because of diverse energy levels. So then we have a world of diverse colourful Stars, with diverse intensities of light and life energies, close to the viscous dark energy matter-the effect seen in the observable universe.

So with a surrounding energy world of darkness, they shine at night.

Giving another understanding, since energy is known to convert from one form of energy to another the dark energies will also be capable to converting from dark energy to light energies when the above conditions favour it.

Of course, God said to me that He could explain this because this was how He had also come out to become the Light of the darkness of the Spirit realm.

And Had also said to me that that is why His life is called the LIGHT OF LIFE.


When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

John 8:12 NIV

Apart from all this He is called the Bright Morning Star.

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.

Revelation 8:16 NV

So this was how God explained to me how the Universe reveals His Glory on a daily basis.


For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

ROM. 1:20 NIV


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How God had Designed and Created the Universe 

How God had Designed and Created the Universe


I received this Revelation after I went to Heaven and met God, who gave me Golden Book and said that, it contained ”The Mysteries and Secrets of God,” after which the Lord requested that I write them and publish them on this site. You’re about to read the Mystery of Creation, Part One. This, according to God, is for the Church and for the World’s acknowledgement, as Mysteries need to revealed in the last days. This first post on the Mystery of Creation, is about how God had designed and created our Universe. Thanks for reading.

(The Mystery Of Creation)


‘Is there God?’
‘Who is God? What is God? Does He Exist? Who or what formed life? Was it formed by Chance or by God?’
‘So where are we from? And where are we going from here?’

These are the questions asked by people from all walks of life including religious leaders, scientists, philosophers and the average citizen as well. We’ve taken notice of the natural intelligent elements around us, that is, the beauty of the vast universe: and have wondered whether this world belongs to an intelligent creator or the creations came out of some other mysterious sources.

But why do we find it important to ask ourselves these questions? As several people say, we ask because of the nature of life events ongoing around us, which often turns from good to bad, and once a while turns from bad to good.

So, in an attempt to answer these questions, several of the world’s greatest thinkers tried to propound thoughtful theories about life’s origin, of how it came about in the first place. One amongst those popular theories was the Theory of Big Bang.

Nevertheless, the world has got her largest population believing in the existence of God, who to them, is the designer of the universe and life. We believe God simply lives beyond this universe.
Yet, religious bodies, if not all, have had their share of doubts sometimes regarding God’s existence.All believe in some form of relationship with a spiritual Power beyond the universe. Yet, for how this spiritual authority came into existence in the first place, they’ve never ceased to wonder!
Many times, a lot more of these people fear they might be walking in deception, while the rest of the others may be serving the true God or doing the right things.

So the entire human race is divided under billions of opinions of men concerning life’s origin-either by one of these two-God or Chance. For whether we like it or not, this is the primary issue which shape our lives on Earth, which we seem not to know which of these possibilities formed, designed and created her (The Universe).

Moreover, several religious people sometimes fear they might be worshiping false gods or spirits who may not be original owners of life, yet seeking viciously to destroy her inhabitants.
Almost all religions believe in the sure existence of ‘satanic spirits and mighty demonic hosts out there against us, in the much unknown spirit world which is just in an inaudible and thin dimension from what we see around us.

In fact the evidence of these hosts have been felt and witnessed by humans of almost all kinds of religions across the length and breadth of the world.
Through the arts and sciences of deception, they’ve gotten the ‘magnetic’ hold on many ‘lives’ walking upon the surface of this earth, with their frantic purpose of perfectly destroying well-cherished destinies of God’s people.

Where should the real ‘secret party place’ to seek upmost refuge be? Should it be under the canopy of the ‘Almighty One’ who sincerely created all things as believed by the many religions?
Hence, we sincerely understand that after a long historical background of people just having ‘faith’ in the existence of God, though they’ve never seen Him, and though this may probably have positive results, it seems that the wandering world will believe nothing except be proven and scoped with science before the science-based or most religious person will follow.

So as our modern day is concerned, our world is filled with people carrying open doubts who are publicly beginning to shoulder the divine things of life to their back side, saying that those who believe in the existence of God are ‘fooling’ themselves. For we believe that science can prove everything. Shouldn’t Science be capable of proving these unknown feats as well?
‘If Science cannot prove God’s existence, then God doesn’t exist,’ they say. Hence, to them, whatever cannot be proven should not be believed upon. Thus, this is the reason for scientists giving a waymore to ‘Chance’ nowadays.

Yet, science on the other hand, according to many sources have failed many, leading them to weak assumptions, to schools of thoughts of how the universe came to be in first place, was designed, and was brought to effect by a so called ‘Chance’?.

Therefore there are millions having not their minds set up, harboring secret doubts in their hearts, who may have believed in either God or Chance, and so have joined many groupings and organizations, hence the results of so many religious and non-religious groupings who are just working their way out to be a part of whatever they might dim fit as the right path to follow.

They throw their ‘valued’ lives to anything or to everything, to any kind of hope they find. Should thus, be how life be lived? Is that all that our universe can serve us with upon our arrival here?
Won’t we all be capable of knowing the original owners of life once and for all to stop the un-encouraging differences which do not help us in any way? That is why the above questions have sprouted debates more than a number you can imagine. Till date, we seem not to find the answers, and looks like all hope has been lost to find them despite many attempts made by all and sundry.

Now, in view of this, in the year 2006, something strategic happened in my life. Yes, and I began to have visitations from God.One night, while I was praying, I literally saw the Lord’s Spirit coming down upon the earth, and then He came to settle upon me.
Then I heard Him say clearly after sometime, ‘I will show you great and mighty things you do not know of.’
In another encounter, I was taken to Heaven (a place beyond the universe) to meet God.
God, who was then sitting upon a giant throne surrounded by a crowd of ministering spirits, stretched out His hand. Then He handed to me a ‘Gold Plated Book.’

There, I was also made to understand that this pure golden book contained the ‘hidden things’ of God.
In a space of 10 years, God was cordially sending His Holy Spirit to show me things you and I do not know concerning life, and the universe, and of how it was first designed, and the meaning God decided to give to her before we all came to live in it. So then I saw that God, for years had been listening to these questions asked by all and sundry and has chosen to answer at this time.

In order not to bother you so much about my encounters with divinity, I will rather choose to speak more on some of these divine encounters I had with God in other editions of this post.
However, for now, we should all be seeing how our universe was designed, constructed by God, was brought to effect by Him, and the meaning God was trying to give her before time begun.

This good post of divine revelations is to show that God (as in general) is not dead. He exists and created the universe with His plan, the plan He founded before the universe’s foundations.
Thus, out of the extremely great resources of His hidden secrets, have I written this post for the world’s acknowledgment that He exists, and the benefits of the world knowing He exists.
He’s is not dead, but is alive. The world must know and love God for that matter.


Man’s  Failing Grand Designs

IN 1859, Charles Darwin, the English Naturalist, gave his hypotheses in a publication he titled Origin of Species.  He stated that our universe might have originated out of a Big Bang effect.

According to this theory there was an expansion in the whole universe which led to it being formed in this cyclic way with several heavenly bodies around the sun. He added that another subsequent factor, Evolution, was the primary cause behind all of these other natural things we see.

However, Popular Scientists are aware that there are certain missing factors in the Big Bang and Evolutionary theories.

It is the reason why Space Agencies are still in search of these missing factors which would give full flesh and stake to the Big Bang Theory. At the same time other Popular Scientists are also in search of the one and in all ‘Grand Unifying Theory’ better off than Darwin’s prevailing theory of Big Bang.

To them, the new ‘Grand Design’ or this ‘Grand Unifying Theory’ must have all the missing factors. And it is of great belief that, the discovery of the Grand Design will bring to light all the riches hidden in our universe and beyond her.

They believe that through this Design or Theory we can understand the origin of the universe, humans, and also possibly understand where we will be going from here: as it stands, we don’t know. It shall bring the solutions to bear, to give answers to all questions asked by all religious people, scientists, philosophers, as well as the average man in the universe.

Yet again, this is so shocking that this Grand Design is being manifested to us by God. And the Grand Design indicates to us who designed and created the universe.

Indeed, my strong affirmation is based upon the following scripture that was given to me by God, when He was about to show to me how He had designed and created the entire universe.

This scripture was Psalm 19:4:

Their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. In them He (GOD) has set a TABERNACLE for the SUN.


Now, wait. Did you notice what it said at the end? It says that He, referring to ’’ God, had  SET A TABERNACLE FOR THE SUN!’ A wide interpretation of ‘’…a tabernacle for the Sun’’ means that the Sun dwells in a design which is exactly like a Tabernacle, yet we know it as cyclic or spherical in design.

Moreover, many years before God even spoke about this claim, He had previously given a model of a Tabernacle to Moses.  That was when a chord struck in me. There, I also came to realize that the universe might have the same design of a tabernacle God had given to a man.

What is a Model?

But, what is a model anyway? A model, according to definition, is either:

  1. A three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
  2. A system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate, or
  3. A representation of a system that allows for investigation of the properties of the system and in some cases, prediction of future outcomes.

These are definitions from the Longmann English Dictionary. Hence, the tabernacle of God was a smaller made type or the smaller version of the whole systematic structure of our universe.

We can also say that it is the same ‘Grand Design’ God had used to design the universe before creating here. That was why He used the word ‘‘pattern,’’ meaning, ‘‘design’’ or ‘‘model’’ in this same scripture.

… “Be sure that you make everything according to the pattern (The Model) I have shown you here on the mountain.”

Ex. 8:5 NLT

In fact, when God had spoken with Moses He earnestly warned him:

 … “Be sure that you make everything according to the pattern (i.e. The Model) I have shown you here on the mountain.”

Ex. 8:5 NLT

This means that, of a truth, there is a model for the Sun’s universe, and that secret model or the Grand Design God used was the tabernacle model He gave to Moses!

It may sound stupid; but when the God’s Spirit had said to me that I should convert the much rectangular tabernacle into a spherical design, it was the perfect match I had ever seen in my life!

That means that the life we have was never by Chance. It was created by God! It was designed and it was crafted with an intelligent purpose!

You may not be a believer in God, but wait to see how the tabernacle’s design matches with the universe’s known design.

Indeed there is no doubt that the universe being seen by all human Space Agencies has an unknown and most perfect design of the tabernacle! What else could have been so accurate as this?

This is nowhere near any school of thought or an assumption. It is a statement of fact, hidden from our eyes, from the foundations of the world! I also believe we have come to the end of the search of life’s origin, who created it or where it all started, where, and where it is going from around here!

Below is the graphical image of God’s tabernacle.

The Tabernacle


The Details of the Model

 When explaining the details of the tabernacle, The Lord’s Spirit helped me to realize that the tabernacle had 3 courts, thus was also 3 dimensional. The tabernacle had an Outer Courtyard, The Inner Court and a Most Holy Place.


The Outer Courtyard


This was the largest court of the Lord’s tabernacle.


Inside Outer Court: Indicated by Arrow


Before a person will enter the Outer Courtyard, there was a Gate in front which one must pass through before getting into the large outer courtyard.


Outer Court Gate


Moreover, the whole courtyard was covered with white linen cloth, fastened to several poles and pegs. In the compound of the Outer Courtyard were two vessels.  The first one after the Tabernacle Gate was the Brazen Altar of Burnt Sacrifice.


 Altar of Burnt Sacrifice


It was a brass metallic rectangular box with wire mesh inside it. Under the mesh were coals of fire.

At the four corners of this Altar were four extensions called Horns. It was on this Brazen Altar of Burnt Sacrifice that sacrifices like lambs, bullocks and grains of cereals were burnt. Also, the blood of sacrifices was also poured upon it and also in a brazen pan by its side.

The second vessel, right after the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice was the Brazen Laver. The Brazen Laver was a large brazen bowl filled with water to its brim.


Brazen Laver of Water


The priests of the court often washed their hands in this brass pan before entering into the Temple to render services to the Lord God.



The Inner Court

But the first room of the Temple was called the Inner Court or Holy Place. This Inner Court too has a Door in front, which enclosed it. So then, before one enters this room, he had to pass through the Door to get into it.


Inner Court Door


Inside Inner Court


Now, inside the Inner Court we can see a Gold Plated Table on the right side. This table was called The Table of Showbread and on it were 12 flat loaves of bread.


Table of Showbread on the right: Six flat loaves on each side of this Table


These 6 loaves on each side totaled up to 12. On the left side of the Table of Showbread was what was called The Golden Menorah. 

According to description, the Golden Menorah was also a vessel of Six (6) golden lamp stands, with seven (7) candle sticks upon it. And the 7 candlesticks were lit frequently with coals of fire to provide light for the entire room of the Inner Court, often called the Holy Place as well.



Candlesticks being lit by a Priest


As fuel for the candlesticks, the priests used Olive Oil.  Then again, the Golden Menorah also had engravings of flowers and fruit buds on the stems of each of these 7 candlesticks.


The Altar of Incense

At the far end of the Inner Court, close to the veil shielding the Most Holy Place was The Golden Altar of Incense.


Incense Table: by the veil of Most Holy Place


On this piece of gold plated furniture, incense was burnt. When the incense was burnt, the incense smoke or gas filled the whole Inner Court.


Incense being burnt by Priest


But there were certain ingredients that were used for the incenses. These included Gum, Resin, Onycha, and Galbanum. Now, this floor space in between the Golden Menorah vessel and these other two sets of furniture of the Holy Place was called the Threshing Floor. 

Then as one looks into the Holy Place, one can see that the veil shielding the entrance of the Most Holy Place had artistic designs of Cherubs.


Cherubs on Veil: Designs of Eyes Close by


Around these cherubs, you see other designs as well. These designs around the cherubs reflect the eyes on the bodies of cherubs. Cherubs, on the other hand, are celestial beings who have eyes all over them. They live with God in the world we can’t see.

There were also colourful Curtains on the left and of the right hand side walls of the Holy Place: and even in the second and last room called the Most Holy Place are also curtains. But, according to the measurements, the length of this Holy Place was 20 cubits, with breadth too being 20 cubits.


The Most Holy Place

Finally, the last room of this Temple was the Most Holy Place. Though this room was the smallest and last room, it was the most important place of the tabernacle. This was because when Moses had finished constructing the entire tabernacle, it was reported that the people saw God heading down from the skies as fire, and without any particular form, into the Most Holy Place.

Ark of Covenant visited by God’s Glory of Fire


Anytime He went into the Most Holy Place in the appearance of fire He sat upon The Golden Ark of Covenant.

There was no light in the Most Holy Place, but His nature being light and fire produced light for the Most Holy Place. On the gold plated Ark of Covenant Box, were also gold images of cherubs, each one on the side, with their glorious wings spread out to cover God’s face.


God as Light over the Ark of Covenant:
face covered by designed wings of the Cherubs

The Items inside God’s Ark of the Covenant: Yet inside the Ark or the Chest Box on which this fire celestial being sat were other items, which Moses was commanded to set in there.

These included the 2 Tablets of Stone on which the popular 10 commandments were written, the Golden Pot of manna (The golden pot which contained the bread God gave to the children of Israel), the book of the Law, and Aaron’s rod (a rod with shoots of fresh green leaves).


Ark of the Covenant with Vessels inside   


Once a year, the High Priest went into this sacred room, called the Most Holy Place to offer sacrifices. He also burnt incense to fill the Most Holy Place: he never went in there when God arrived there.

By measurement, this Most Holy Place had its length to be 10 cubits, and a breadth too to be 10 cubits. Lastly, while the large Outer Courtyard had no covering, the Temple of two rooms, of an Inner Court and a Most Holy Place had roofing made with Badger Skins.

Outer Courtyard Uncovered: Dark Badger Skin over the 2 rooms


The tabernacle itself, its vessels, furniture and all other items are symbolic and also have direct interpretations as well. So for us to understand how the UNIVERSE was crafted by this design or model, we have to actually and perfectly understand their literal and symbolic meanings.



The Scientific Description of the Universe

HOWEVER, before we can see how God had used the tabernacle to design and to create the entire universe of the universe, we have to remind ourselves of all that modern science has told us concerning the universe too. At least this is what the average man knows.

The Universe!

According to scientists the universe is a cyclic or spherical design. At least the evidence of this is well proven beyond the works of just one Space agency and all of them have correctly used powerful modern day technologies to capture what they discovered about the universe.

Notable amongst such Space Agencies include NASA, being one of the premiere Space Agencies of the world, belonging to the United States of America. But according to the design, in the center-most part of the cyclic universe is the fireball Sun. it is known to be a large ball of fire which is made up of burning gases.

Hence, it is the combination of several energies together which are burning as fuel. Round about the Sun, comes the planets revolving it: each travelling in its orbiting path.

Therefore, Space Agencies basically give record of a Solar System in which our Sun (SOLAR) is in the center of the universe, while other objects are revolving around it.



Array of the whole Universe



The Solar system


These Planets are known to be giant unique ‘lands.’ The graphical image above reveals how these lands revolve around the Sun as they are governed by the Sun in the whole system. It was discovered that while they revolve around the Sun, each has an axis on which it spins in circles before going round the Sun. The Planets, which are like circular lands or circular cities, have moons.

The sole responsibility of these moons is to be lit by the light energies from the Sun. The moons in turn transmit their received light energies to their planets (lands) for them to have light too.



Jupiter and its Moons


Moons can be lit because they are luminous objects. Moons have distinct features. A moon in the outermost part of the universe has volcanic fires located on it (See picture below). Also, on almost all moons craters are being discovered.



Moon with Fire of a Volcano


Moons with their Craters


Then also from this earth, we are capable of seeing Stars. Though they are realized to be huge gaseous lights they are seen by us from the Earth Planet as small lights scattered in the dark matter of space.



A giant Star


Moreover, the whole Space is made up of gases especially over atmospheres of cosmic objects such as planets, moons of the planets and Stars.


Gas in Space



Three Divisions inside the Universe

Finally, after many years of astronomical research, scientists discovered that there are 3 divisions made in the universe, made by some 3 belts in between the planets going round their overall god-the Sun.

Among them, the smallest and closest belt to our Sun is called the Asteroid Belt. It is the region made up of asteroids or simply space boulders or Space rocks. This is followed by the Kuiper Belt, being the second biggest of the 3.

The last and biggest of them all is the Oort Cloud, which is located in the outermost part of the Universe. In the picture below you can see both the Asteroid and Kuiper cyclic belts located in-between the planets going round about our Sun. Their names have between written in yellow.



Kuiper and Asteroid:  Both in yellow writing


The Kuiper Belt is a disc-shaped region of icy objects found beyond the orbit of Neptune several miles away from the Sun. And Pluto and Eris are the best known planets of these icy worlds.

All 3 belts can be seen at the outermost part of the universe in a graphical picture shown below together with the last and third belt. And the third belt is named as the Oort Cloud.


All 3 belts with Sun in the Center of the Universe


However, the more distant Oort Cloud is the belt fully filled with water. However, the water is in the form of Ice.



Oort Cloud: where it reigns as Water


Over the years, scientists thought that both the Kuiper Belt and even more distant Oort Cloud might have been the home of comets that orbit our sun.

We can see that these 3 belts divide the universe into 3 spherical courts, a universe in which the Sun is in its center, while all planets rotate and revolve in-between the 3 belts.

Hence, we have a 3-part cyclic universe, as a result of the 3 divisions created by the 3 separate spherical divides.

Finally, away from the 3-dimensional universe, is evidently the realm of dark energies called Dark Matter. Done with the fundamental knowledge acquired by us humans, concerning the universe let’s move on to see and understand how God, had used His Glory, which is reflected in the Model called the Tabernacle to design and to create Our Universe. 


How God designed and created Our Universe

THE Spirit explained to me that in order to get the design of our universe out of this tabernacle, I would have to convert the tabernacle into a cyclic design. He said, ‘‘Convert the tabernacle into a spherical design,’’ And when I did it, this was what I found.



The Conversion into the Spherical Design


Full Colour: the Spherical Design


The two graphical images show the results of my conversion, on the much rectangular looking tabernacle of Moses, into a new Cyclic Tabernacle. Already, some features started to turn up.

When I made comparison I realized that as the universe has 3 spherical divisions God’s tabernacle shows 3 spherical divisions as well when converted.

However, these 3 divisions are realized here as a result of these; the Gate of the Outer Court, Door of the Inner Court and Veil shielding the Most Holy Place of God’s Tabernacle which divided God’s tabernacle into 3 major divisions.

Yet, in the universe these 3 divisions are realized as a result of these; the Asteroid Belt, The Kuiper belt and Oort Cloud well realized by world Scientists.



Asteroid and Kuiper Belt with Oort Cloud


Outer Court Gate, Inner Court Door and the Veil of Most Holy Place


As the cyclic tabernacle had 3 spherical courts in between the Gate, the Door and the Veil, where the vessels and furniture sets were located, so the universe also has 3 spherical courts in between her Asteroid belt, her Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud, which was also where the planets were located! I thought this was very amazing and excellent!

Their Sizes

Apart from that, the Outer Court of God’s spherical tabernacle was the biggest, corresponding to the Outer Court of the universe’s spherical design, which was also the biggest.

As well, the Inner Court which was also the next biggest of the tabernacle was of the same size of the middle portion of the spherical universe.

Finally, the smallest part of the tabernacle of Moses, which was where God came to sit, called the Most Holy Place also corresponded to the smallest part of the universe, being the center, where the Sun locates itself.


An Outer Court, Inner Court and the Most Holy Place of our Universe

This is to indicate that the universe first and foremost, is a 3 dimensional spherical tabernacle.

Thus our universe has an Outer Court, an Inner Court, having a Most Holy Place similar to God’s model, which is His tabernacle that reveals His Glory. From here, we should begin to see why God told King David that the universe has similar designs as the tabernacle of His Glory.


… In them He (GOD) has set a TABERNACLE FOR THE SUN, which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber…

Psalm 19: 4


So the Sun, being in the center-most part of the Universe, actually dwells in a 3 dimensional spherical tabernacle very much unknown to us.

Moreover, because a tabernacle is the place or a structure constructed for the purposes of worshiping or serving a god, and for this case God, it suggests that the Sun was also created with similar intentions of its ruling its own tabernacle (universe) as a god, in order to be depended on by the rest of the cosmic objects orbiting it.

Thus, the Sun is a god, and it is a god of a spherical tabernacle called the universe. It rules the entire SPACE. Hence, the Universe is a Cyclic or Spherical Tabernacle! Hope you understand.


Vessels and Furniture sets of the Tabernacle

Moreover, we also know that in the tabernacle God commanded the Jews to build, there were some vessels, and furniture sets arranged in an orderly manner, in each of these 3 parts or courts of the tabernacle.

Having known that both the Universe and God’s tabernacle are similar according to their corresponding sizes and shapes, which are both 3 dimensional designs, we have to find the symbolic or literal interpretations of those vessels and furniture sets, and what they symbolized, as far as the Universe’s tabernacle, governed by our Sun is concerned.

Hence, we have to know which of the vessels and furniture sets of God’s tabernacle was to represent the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, Jupiter’s red Spot, and all other cosmic objects, just as we discovered for the Gate, Door and Veils of the Asteroid, Kuiper and Oort belts, a while ago. God added that in order to know this we can redraw the cyclic tabernacle.

Then we should locate the positions the vessels and furniture sets in the new spherical tabernacle. This would help us know which Space objects they were created to represent.


Space objects being symbolized in the Tabernacle

 FIRST, to place the Ark of Covenant I redrew the spherical tabernacle and located its position in the Most Holy Place of God’s new spherical Tabernacle.



Vessel Location at the Center


Then I also placed the other vessels and furniture sets of God’s old tabernacle into His newly converted tabernacle in their respective places.


 Vessel Location: Table of Showbread, 7 Candlesticks and the Incense Table


Vessel Location: Outer Court Vessels-The Brazen Laver and the Altar of Fire


So, with the above works, we will surely be able to identify what they represent in the Universe we live in.


The New Spherical Most Holy Place

The Most Holy Place, being the Center of God’s tabernacle was also where God came to sit upon the Ark. As His appearance was fire, He represented the Sun whose appearance is also fire, and both were fire beings in the Most Holy Places of their spherical tabernacles.

God’s appearance or nature has similar characteristics of the Sun’s nature. No wonder when humans are referring to God, by some kind of ‘natural’ intuition or clairvoyance, they use the Sun to refer or to represent God or the other way round, yet they have never seen God.

Some know because while the Bible teaches that God is both a light and a fire being, Science also teaches us about the Sun, which is also by nature light and fire.


Sun’s Nature as God’s Nature


Not only that. Both are in the center-most parts or the Most Holy Places of their respective tabernacles.



Fire Presence of the Sun at the Center-most



Fire Presence of God: at the Center-most


Actually, in the whole universe, God’s nature is represented by the Sun in Space. We can say that God also symbolizes the Sun in His tabernacle He had built with the Israelite.

God is known to dwell in unapproachable light and the Sun too is known to be an unapproachable light. No one can actually approach God or the Sun because of their intense energies.


Who alone is immortal and who lives in UNAPPROACHABLE LIGHT, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

1 Tim 6:16 NIV

You (God) are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens (The universe).

Psalm 104:2 NLT

Hence, this explains why in Malachi 4:2, He uses the term The Sun of Righteousness to also refer to His glory.


‘But for you who fear my name, THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture



The Symbolic or literal meanings of the Items in the Most Holy Place

Furthermore, God however uses the items in the Golden Ark of Covenant (the Chest box) on which He sat to show the nature and functions of the Sun in all of Space. These are what they were to symbolize:


The Ark of the Covenant: This Ark of Covenant symbolizes the centermost part where the Sun sits in the Most Holy Place of its Universe, since God’s Golden Ark was a seat He sat on.  And, also the golden colour was a reflection of the golden colour of the Sun in Space.


 The Incense (gases) which filled the Most Holy Place after the burning of Incense. This gas was basically to refer to the gaseous nature of the Sun, since the incense produced smoke, and smoke is a kind of Gas.

Hence, it is well known amongst us, that the Sun is a mixture of gases. It is known to radiate heat, vapour and light) in the core part of the Universe, which is its Most Holy Place.


 The Two Tablets of Stone which the 10 Commandments were inscribed upon: In Symbology, as a law or commandment represent Power or Force, and for that matter Energy as well, it is to reflect the power, force or energy nature of the Sun. Some of the basic known energies derived from the Sun include Thermal Energy, Radiation (electromagnetic and electromotive) and Light Energy.


 The Book of the Law: This representation of the law is the same as the one above. No wonder, our Sun is the law giver, that is, (The power and energy giver), therefore the god of all the heavenly bodies.


Pot of Manna: Manna indicates food, because it was the food God fed His people with in the wilderness. Now, the human world is able to obtain some kind of food from the Sun which is in the form of Vitamins or Nutrients.

As also scientists have found, Vitamin D is acquired from this Sun. The Sun also gives nutrients to these planets surrounding it.  Moreover, we are also aware that the Sun helps in the development of food through a process, which has been known as Photosynthesis.


 Aaron’s rod that budded: The green sprouted leaves on Aaron’s rod, represents life given by the Sun. Green, as often indicated represents ‘life.’

It is known that the Sun’s energies in many ways assist in the development of biological life matter here on the Earth. This is why we know that the Sun helps flowering plants to make food for humans and animals through the process of Photosynthesis.

Moreover, without the Sun, all humans and most animals would live in very cold temperatures at all times. This is because there would no heat, and thus we will all die out of very cold temperatures! The Earth will not be alive. Yes, we will all die! So, the Sun supports the life in us, giving life all day long.

The Inner Court of the Sun’s Holy Tabernacle

Yet, in the Inner Court we saw 3 furniture sets. They were the Golden Table of Showbread, the Golden Menorah and the Golden Altar of Incense. And also, remember that there were also artistic designs of cherubs on the veil and curtains seen in the same Inner Court.


The Holy Court


Their literal or Symbolic representations

The Table of Showbread: This Table of Showbread was the table with exactly 12 loaves of bread upon it, six on one side, and six on the other side.

Here, the number 12 in Numerology (The Study of Numbers) stands for the following; Systems, kingdom, bodies, lands, region, sectors,   administrations, governments, organs and organisms. It also means satisfaction.

What are these lands, Systems or Kingdoms being referred here in the whole of Space? They are lands called the Planets which revolve all-round the Sun.

Are these not the Planets (e.g. the Planet Earth) that these kingdoms; the Plants, Animal, Water and Human kingdoms are found?

Hence they are also referred to as lands, or the systems or bodies (heavenly bodies) on which all other kingdoms have been located.

Though it is only the Earth Planet that we see all these kingdoms, yet some lands or Planets also have water, mineral elements, fire and other natural resources such as gases or fuels upon their surfaces or inside their crusts, which form systems.



All Planets and Systems governed by the Sun


These planets are known to be systems, lands or kingdoms because they are ruled by the Sun, who is a god over its spherical tabernacle. This was like how God also rules from His tabernacle in Heaven. Moreover, if these are kingdoms in the universe, then the Sun is the king or Monarch over the universal kingdom (i.e. all Planets and all other heavenly objects).

Hence, the meaning God gave to the universe is like a god (the Sun) which governs over its surrounded (kingdoms), called Planets by humans.

Now, as these planets first move in their axis before moving around the Sun, it gives the impression that they are first, ‘Self-governing kingdoms or systems,’ before being ruled by their overall Sun-god.

Like in a kingdom where the king is responsible for taking care of his people, they will not have life or light if not for their king, which is called the Sun; they are taken care off by their ruler (the Sun) in the universal kingdom, to provide them with light and with life also.

Hence, in as much as the whole universe is truly a spherical tabernacle, it is also a giant kingdom in which the Sun is a ruler (a god) and king over the entire kingdom. This was what was realized by Scientists; so they called it Solar or the The Sun’s System.

Therefore, the uniqueness of each kingdom (each of the Planets) is based on factors such as size, shape (e.g. Saturn’s unique rings), colours, type of available resources on it, the number of moons each has, together with their orbiting positions, and other distinct factors.

Hence, each of them has to move on its axis (rotation) and to move in its own orbiting path (revolution) around their god or ruler (the Sun). Moreover, each of them is inclined in a way that it may be capable of receiving the Sun’s energies of light of life. For that matter, each nations or each Planet is unique in itself.

Hence, without the Sun’s light of life these ‘governed kingdoms,’ which together form the universal System are doomed for failure, for there would be darkness in their realms and there would be death in all of them as well.

Therefore, they were designed to have a relationship with their god (the Sun) so they could be satisfied by it (12 also meaning satisfaction), with life and light. This is the life, indicated by the sprouted green leaves of Aaron’s rod in the Ark of Covenant. The Light was represented by God’s fire nature.

The Golden Menorah: The Golden Menorah was on the left side of the Golden Table of Showbread. The priests of the courts were instructed to light these 7 Golden Candlesticks with coals of fire to provide light for the Inner Court.

So, if these candlesticks were not lit up, no light would be seen in the Inner Court of the tabernacle, which was also where other furniture sets were also located.


As Sun lights up Moon, so Priests lights up candlesticks


These 7 Golden Candlesticks over here refer to the Moons of the Planets. As a priest inside the Inner Court lit up the candlesticks, this was to connote how the Moons of the Planets or Systems (represented with the candlesticks) are lit by the ‘coals of fire’ or the light energies from the Sun, to provide life and light for those kingdoms or Planets.

But over here, the number of loaves, 12, has been used to represent the Planets called Systems, Kingdoms or lands in God’s tabernacle, which are to be lit up by candlesticks (Moons).

This was why both the Golden Table of Showbread and the Golden Menorah (7 Candlesticks upon 6 Lampstands) were placed close to each other in God’s Tabernacle to show that the Moons (lit candlesticks) are close to their respective Planets (12 loaves).

Moreover, the Olive Oil used as fuel for the candlesticks was to represent the presence of fuel in these regions of our Solar System, consisting mainly of planets, moons and their stars.  Helium and Methane, being fuels or inflammable gases, were discovered on the atmosphere of Planets (e.g. Neptune).

A Planet close to the Sun like Earth also has a mixture of gases over its atmosphere. Some of these gases in our atmosphere aid in burning, like Oxygen. Moreover, the Planet Earth also has a lot of fuel reservoirs under its Earth crust and below her water bodies.


 The Inner Court Measurements: Now, the number 40 represents deserts, rocky ground, wilderness, bare ground, trial, probation etc. That was why Space scientists have also noticed rocky surfaces and craters upon the surfaces of some Planets, especially, most inner planets or kingdoms.

Notable among these planets or kingdoms include Mars, Earth and Venus. And Moons of the inner regions also have rocky surfaces like desert landforms, together with craters.


Moons with Desert Landforms and Craters


The Inner region also includes the Asteroid belt, which is also primarily made up of Space boulders or Space rocks.


Burning of Incenses on the Altar of Incense:

As incense was burnt upon the Golden Altar close to the Veil, the incense smoke or gas traveled and filled the whole Inner Court. This smoke sometimes went beyond the Inner Court into the Most Holy Place of God’s tabernacle. Yet, even in the Most Holy Place, Incense too was burnt and was used by the high priest.


The Holy Court is filled with Smoke


The Smoke here symbolizes Gases over the atmospheres of Planets or Kingdoms (rep. by 12 loaves), on all their Moons (rep. by Candlesticks), over the 3 divides (Asteroid, Kuiper and Oort Clouds), around the Stars, and on all other cosmic objects of Space.

So, for an example, our Planet Earth (a kingdom or land) has gases (incense gas) over its atmosphere, and also has gases over its moon (its candlestick). In the same way, all other Planets (lands or Kingdoms) have diverse gases over their atmospheres as well.


Some type of gases in Space


We saw that some of these gases are inflammable gases (Helium with Methane: rep. by olive oil). Thus, because the outer court too was filled with gas or smoke any time the priests burnt sacrifices upon the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice, it means all parts of the 3-dimensional universe is made up gases.


 The Flying Wings of Cherubs: This indicates that there are flying objects in Space. They move or fly across the whole length and breadth of the universe. These flying objects include Comets. We see them fly from one end of Heaven to another to another and then they vanish.


 The Eyes on the Cherubs: On the other hand, the Eyes seen close by the Artistic Design of Cherubs, was placed there to symbolize the Stars, as Stars are like bright opened eyes in their individual sockets,  seen at night, billion miles away in the observable universe.

Moreover, the whole idea of eyes by an Artistic Design of Cherubs was to indicate the basic function of Stars, which is to create Artistic Designs.

These Artistic designs created by these Stars, are what we have known as the Horoscopes. Horoscopes are signs and symbols studied by Astrologers. However, the wings of the Cherubs are to symbolize that there are flying objects in the entire universe. These flying objects are what have been called Comets by us.


The Threshing Floor: Moreover, the Threshing Floor was the space in between the inner court vessels and furniture sets. However, in Agricultural Science a threshing floor is the floor where good (+) harvested crops are separated from the bad ones (-).

Hence, this is to suggest that there are opposite charges in the realm. They form the electrical, electromagnetic and electromotive power or energies discovered in the realm.

To give other examples, while we have Centrifugal force, we also have Centripetal force too which are known to be opposite forces to each other in this heavenly realm.

While the Centrifugal force causes celestial bodies to move towards the Sun (+), Centripetal force on the other hand, causes objects to move away from the Sun (-). So while one tries to be positive (+), the other tries to be negative (-).

There is light energy (+) which is also different and directly opposite to the dark energies (-) in the furthest regions of the vast universe. Hence, the universe is basically a making of fine matter (+) and gross matter (-) combined.

Therefore, we have a universe full of positive energies and negative energies to create the kind of perfect balance she needs. This is because perfection, according to God, is a perfect balance of opposite charges, if ‘Light and life’ must be produced. 

The Colourful Curtains of the Inner Court: God said in His Word that the stretching of the expanse of the universe was like a curtain. So the Colourful Curtains were also to reveal the diverse colours of cosmic objects forming the whole universe altogether.

That means each Planet, Moon, Star, the Sun, Asteroids, Ice all have their distinct colours and glory, which are brought together to form a very colourful Solar System like a Curtain. When David was prophesying of this effect, he said.

‘‘…You (God) stretch out the starry (glittery) curtain of the heavens (universe).’’

Psalm 104:2 NLT



Universe’s Curtain



The Dark Stretched Badger Skin Covering:

Now, the Dark Temple Roofing which was made up of Badger Skins was to symbolize the dark energy matter of the furthest regions of Space.


Arrow shows Dark Badger Skin Covering



  The Dark Energy Matter of Space


It is evident that most Stars (the many Eyes of the Cherubs) are located close to the dark energy matter. And it is also known that the dark matter is a world of dark energies.

Hence, in the universe we have the Sun (God’s fire nature) sitting in the center (Its Most Holy Place) and it rules the Planets (kingdoms or lands represented by the number 12). 

Furthermore, the Planets have Moons (lit candlesticks) with their Stars (Eyes by the Artistic designs of Cherubs) to show heavenly signs and symbols, close to the Dark energy roofing matter in the universe (The Dark Badger Skin Roofing).



A Graphical picture of the entire Universe



The Outer Court of the Sun’s Tabernacle-last Spherical Court

Moreover, we also saw that the furthest part of the spherical universe which represents the outermost part of God’s 3-dimensional universe has water moving in a cyclic belt called the Oort Cloud. This water here was symbolized with the Water in the Brazen Laver of the Outer Court.


Brazen Laver of Outer Court in display on the right



Outer Court Brazen Laver filled with Water: The Universe’s (Oort Cloud) also filled with Water


So primarily, these two great vessels (Brazen Laver and Brazen Altar) reveal main cosmic objects discovered in the outermost parts of the spherical universe.

While the spherical shape of the Brazen Laver was basically to refer to the spherical shape of the universe, the 4 horns of the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice were to show that there are Energies, Power or Forces in all 4 spherical parts of the entire universe.

The energies (the horns) in Space include Gravitational, Electromotive, Electromagnetic, Potential Kinetic, Cold, Thermal and Dark Energies.

We also know that kinetic energy was created to aid the movements of Planets, their Moons, their Stars and other celestial bodies of the universe.

Therefore, it is suggests that, the outermost design of the universe is what gives the true design of the universe. For that matter, the Lord used a spherical object to show how the outermost portion of the universe looks like in shape. And to symbolize the availability of water (in the form of Ice) located in the Outermost part of the universe, He used water.



Journeys of ICED Water


Also, the Planets which located near and around here have water upon their surfaces or inside their realm, too. These include Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.

Pluto and Eris are all found here, and they both have availability of water upon their surfaces or atmospheres. In addition, most moons in the outermost parts of the universe also have water and ice upon their surfaces. They are the candlesticks with water upon their surfaces.


Presence of Iron, and the ‘Brass’ Emblem: In the outermost part of the universe, scientists also discovered that a moon there has and Iron-Nickel Ore.

They’ve called it the Europa moon. But in the tabernacle, God uses Brass metals to also symbolize the presence of Iron in the outermost regions.

Iron is a raw material for making Brass. And brass, also symbolizes ‘death’ or ‘to perish.’ God had given knowledge here that the outermost part of the universe does not support life that much. Hence, you can die or perish when you go there. Hence, this is not a habitable Zone.

Rather, He had indicated that places close to the Sun are habitable zones (indicated by the green shoots of leaves, to mean life), in the Most Holy Place of the Sun’s tabernacle.

The more you are closer to the Sun, the more you will have the Sun’s light of life, and so you can live, and vice versa (This was exactly what Scientists identified!). Now, that was why God also positioned our Earth Planet close to the Sun (at a habitable zone) so we can have abundance of life and light energies from the Sun-the god of the whole kingdom.


Jupiter’s ‘Red Spot’ Mystery: Jupiter is known to have a ‘Perfect Red Spot’ on its surface. Now it is very important to know that the blood sacrifice that was used in the tabernacle, for the purposes of wiping away Israel’s sins, was indicated in this material heaven. That’s also amazing.

We know that the universe was crafted by God even before God formed Adam, Eve (the first human couples), Noah and Methuselah- the oldest natural man to ever live according to Biblical history. That means that the blood has also been symbolized in Space before God created all things.


The Altar of His blood on Jupiter’s Planet or Kingdom


Fire and Smoke placed on the Altar: God also shows that there is the presence of fire, fuels or inflammable Gases in the furthest region of the universe too.

These effects, He had also symbolized them in the outer court of His tabernacle, with the burning fire upon the Altar and with the smoke rising up from the burning firewood (the fuel). Space scientists discovered volcanic fires on a moon in the outermost part of the universe.


Volcanic fires being symbolized by these flames


In fact, they discovered about 70 spots of volcanic fires upon the moon alone. And finally, Jupiter and Saturn have become what Space Scientists have described as ‘Gas Giant’ Planets.’ The reason is because they both have much gas, which are fuels in their atmospheres.

It is known that hydrogen and helium gases are over their regional atmospheres. And the Planet Neptune also has lots of inflammable gases over her atmosphere.

Hydrogen and helium, with traces of Methane gas, and Ammonia have been discovered in her regional atmosphere. She is also an outermost Planet, on which these inflammable gases can be found.


Some type of gases in Space


As these gases are inflammable gases or are fuels, so God uses both firewood and huge smoke production (the travel of smoke into the sky) to indicate how heavenly bodies located in the outermost parts of the universe have gases, fuels and fire upon their surfaces, or in their atmospheres.

So, we can say that the universe is the Sun’s cyclic tabernacle which God created for it, and He has placed us here to serve and to worship to worship Him here. The universe was a model which God put full flesh on it. And was a model reflecting the Glory of the Lord, because the Glory of God, is revealed in the Tabernacle.


The heavens(which is the colloquial word for the Universe) proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.

Psalm 19:1 NLT.


The priests who served in God’s Temple were commanded to worship God and to serve Him, day in and day out. I think by now we should know what the universe was actually designed and created to be used for (The Purpose for which it was given to us).

(Have we been using it for that purpose?). But for so long, God hid these things from the eyes of the entire human race, that the universe which we often try to understand its basic concept, was a model from His Glory.

It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the king’s privilege to discover them.
Prov. 25:2 NLT


We have only used names to describe its concepts in the way we understand it, but over here God shows us the true meaning He had given to her from the foundations of her powerful making.

To Him be Glory.

With lots of love from the Lord.




Prince Akogo


(Called, by the Anointing of the Holy Ghost)

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How God had Designed & Created the Earth’s Geological Structure

I received this Revelation after I went to Heaven and met God, who gave me Golden Book and said that, it contained ”The Mysteries and Secrets of God,” after which the Lord requested that I write them and publish them on this site. This is the Mystery of Creation, Part Two. Here, the Lord speaks of how He had designed and created the Earth’s Geological Structure, a mystery hidden from the foundations of the world. Thanks for acknowledging.


The Mystery of Cration-How God had Designed & Created the Earth’s Geological Structure


Unknown to this whole world, just as the Universe and the Geographical Earth, the  structure or the Earth Planet was also designed according to the same pattern of the tabernacle of the Lord. And in fact, this was very shocking to know after it was revealed, because God, has so well revealed His Glory in it too.

To cause me to understand, the Lord showed me two more scriptures. First, we have Isaiah 40:22:

He (God) sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent (tabernacle) to live in.

From the above scripture I realized that God knew that the Earth Planet or this earthly kingdom was circular in shape.

Yet, these words were spoken by Him thousands of years to His prophet called Isaiah before Space scientists came to discover that the Earth planet was actually spherical or circular in shape. I thought this was amazing. But how was He able to know at a time of human history when no one knew about this?

Secondly, the scripture gave information that God is enthroned above the Earth planet. He sits here, watching us steadily, who are like grasshoppers before Him. But though He sees us, we are incapable of seeing Him. 

So after seeing the great word, ‘Tent’ in the scripture, I realized that the Planet Earth also had the  blueprint of God’s tabernacle, since the word ‘tent’ is the same as tabernacle, but often used interchangeably. Another scripture pulled a surprise.


For this is what the LORD says- He who created the heavens (the Universe), he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited- he says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other.

Isaiah 45:18 NIV


The end part of this very important scripture says, ”He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited.’’

Combining the two scriptures I could understand that God created the Earth planet with a ‘tabernacle or tent’ pattern with the purpose of it being inhabited by us.

So, for us to know how God used the tabernacle to design the geological pattern of the Earth, we have to first understand how the tabernacle was made.


The Description of the Tabernacle of Moses (God’s Holy Tabernacle)

(If you have read in any of our posts about the details of the Tabernacle and you understand it very well, then you don’t need to read it again.

Just scroll down to the next subtitle after this subheading to continue with the post, or else you can still consider revising, by reading the description here).


When explaining the details of the tabernacle, The Lord’s Spirit helped me to realize that the tabernacle had 3 courts, thus was also 3 dimensional. The tabernacle had an Outer Courtyard, The Inner Court and a Most Holy Place.



The Outer Courtyard

This was the largest court of the Lord’s tabernacle.


Inside Outer Court: Indicated by Arrow


Before a person will enter the Outer Courtyard, there was a Gate in front which one must pass through before getting into the large outer courtyard.


Outer Court Gate


Moreover, the whole courtyard was covered with white linen cloth, fastened to several poles and pegs. In the compound of the Outer Courtyard were two vessels.  The first one after the Tabernacle Gate was the Brazen Altar of Burnt Sacrifice.

 Altar of Burnt Sacrifice


It was a brass metallic rectangular box with wire mesh inside it. Under the mesh were coals of fire.

At the four corners of this Altar were four extensions called Horns. It was on this Brazen Altar of Burnt Sacrifice that sacrifices like lambs, bullocks and grains of cereals were burnt. Also, the blood of sacrifices was also poured upon it and also in a brazen pan by its side.

The second vessel, right after the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice was the Brazen Laver. The Brazen Laver was a large brazen bowl filled with water to its brim.


Brazen Laver of Water


The priests of the court often washed their hands in this brass pan before entering into the Temple to render services to the Lord God.



The Inner Court

But the first room of the Temple was called the Inner Court or Holy Place. This Inner Court too has a Door in front, which enclosed it. So then, before one enters this room, he had to pass through the Door to get into it.


Inner Court Door


Inside Inner Court


Now, inside the Inner Court we can see a Gold Plated Table on the right side. This table was called The Table of Showbread and on it were 12 flat loaves of bread.


Table of Showbread on the right: Six flat loaves on each side of this Table


These 6 loaves on each side totaled up to 12. On the left side of the Table of Showbread was what was called The Golden Menorah. 

According to description, the Golden Menorah was also a vessel of Six (6) golden lamp stands, with seven (7) candle sticks upon it. And the 7 candlesticks were lit frequently with coals of fire to provide light for the entire room of the Inner Court, often called the Holy Place as well.



Candlesticks being lit by a Priest


As fuel for the candlesticks, the priests used Olive Oil.  Then again, the Golden Menorah also had engravings of flowers and fruit buds on the stems of each of these 7 candlesticks.


The Altar of Incense

At the far end of the Inner Court, close to the veil shielding the Most Holy Place was The Golden Altar of Incense.


Incense Table: by the veil of Most Holy Place


On this piece of gold plated furniture, incense was burnt. When the incense was burnt, the incense smoke or gas filled the whole Inner Court.


Incense being burnt by Priest


But there were certain ingredients that were used for the incenses. These included Gum, Resin, Onycha, and Galbanum. Now, this floor space in between the Golden Menorah vessel and these other two sets of furniture of the Holy Place was called the Threshing Floor. 

Then as one looks into the Holy Place, one can see that the veil shielding the entrance of the Most Holy Place had artistic designs of Cherubs.


Cherubs on Veil: Designs of Eyes Close by


Around these cherubs, you see other designs as well. These designs around the cherubs reflect the eyes on the bodies of cherubs. Cherubs, on the other hand, are celestial beings who have eyes all over them. They live with God in the world we can’t see.

There were also colourful Curtains on the left and of the right hand side walls of the Holy Place: and even in the second and last room called the Most Holy Place are also curtains. But, according to the measurements, the length of this Holy Place was 20 cubits, with breadth too being 20 cubits.


The Most Holy Place

Finally, the last room of this Temple was the Most Holy Place. Though this room was the smallest and last room, it was the most important place of the tabernacle. This was because when Moses had finished constructing the entire tabernacle, it was reported that the people saw God heading down from the skies as fire, and without any particular form, into the Most Holy Place.

Ark of Covenant visited by God’s Glory of Fire


Anytime He went into the Most Holy Place in the appearance of fire He sat upon The Golden Ark of Covenant.

There was no light in the Most Holy Place, but His nature being light and fire produced light for the Most Holy Place. On the gold plated Ark of Covenant Box, were also gold images of cherubs, each one on the side, with their glorious wings spread out to cover God’s face.


God as Light over the Ark of Covenant:
face covered by designed wings of the Cherubs


The Items inside God’s Ark of the Covenant: Yet inside the Ark or the Chest Box on which this fire celestial being sat were other items, which Moses was commanded to set in there.

These included the 2 Tablets of Stone on which the popular 10 commandments were written, the Golden Pot of manna (The golden pot which contained the bread God gave to the children of Israel), the book of the Law, and Aaron’s rod (a rod with shoots of fresh green leaves).


Ark of the Covenant with Vessels inside   


Once a year, the High Priest went into this sacred room, called the Most Holy Place to offer sacrifices. He also burnt incense to fill the Most Holy Place: he never went in there when God arrived there.

By measurement, this Most Holy Place had its length to be 10 cubits, and a breadth too to be 10 cubits. Lastly, while the large Outer Courtyard had no covering, the Temple of two rooms, of an Inner Court and a Most Holy Place had roofing made with Badger Skins.

Outer Courtyard Uncovered: Dark Badger Skin over the 2 rooms


The tabernacle itself, its vessels, furniture and all other items are symbolic and also have direct interpretations as well. So for us to understand how the  Geology Structure of the Earth was created by God with the same design, we have to perfectly understand the literal and symbolic meanings of the tabernacle and its parts.


How God designed and created the Earth’s Geological Structure

So by the Lord’s instructions, I drew out the positions of the courts and the locations of their vessels and sets of furniture.

The Globe of our footing


Now, over here, we are going to find out what these symbolic and literal interpretations of the tabernacle and it parts mean with regards to this Earth Planet.


The  Whole Tabernacle of  the Lord: The entire tabernacle of God represents the entire Globe. which has a large Outer Courtyard (the base), second large Inner Court (middle court section), and a Most Holy Place (topmost or upper section), being the smallest part of them all.

 A 3 Court Section of the Geological Structure of our Earth Planet


The Divisions of the Globe: In the graphical image below, the 3 separations in the Earth and its structure, represents the Gate (around the globe), the Inner Court or Holy Place Door (separated by the Earth Crust), and the Veil of the Most Holy Place (The sky, which is also called Firmament or Expanse).

These three main divisions  divide the Geological Earth into 3 main parts, so that the structure of the Earth has an Outer Court (the first division below), an Inner Court (the middle court section of the Geological Earth) and a Most Holy Place (the topmost division part).




The Divisions of the Geological Structure of the Earth: the sky, the Earth’s Crust and the Earth’s arch



1#The Outer Court of our Geological Earth- Below the Earth’s Crust

Now, it was really incredible that after I had interpreted the two main Vessels of the Outer Court their meanings matched some amazing natural resources deep deep down  our Earth’s crust.

All these major resources have been discovered by Geologists as well. Let me show you what I mean.

In Outer Court, the two major vessels present there were:

A. The Brazen Altar of Sacrifice-The brazen Vessel on which the priests made their fire in their Outer Court.

B. The Brazen Laver-This was the Brazen Bowl filled water

So, what do these two main vessels and their parts represent, as far as the Outer Court, that is, the part below the Earth is concerned?

Lets begin with the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice and its parts.

The 4 Horns of the Brazen Altar: We saw that the Altar of Sacrifice had 4 horns. The number 4 in numerology stands for ‘ Earth.’ And the number is also to indicate how many corners the earth has in number. So outwardly, the Earth has four corners.

 The Fire made upon the Altar : The fire of the Brazen Altar inside the Outer Court represents fires made under or inside the  Earth.

As discovered, in the center of the earth, there is evidence of fire. This is fire is called The Red Hot Molten  Magma. This fire, which is found deep inside the Earth is also the source of volcanic fires all over the earth.


The Altar’s Fire


Molten Magma represented by the fire of the Brazen Altar


The Firewood upon the Altar and Gases from the fire: We are aware that firewood is an inflammable substance, and so the firewood stands for Fuel. As discovered, fuel is known to be below the earth. For example, the molten magma has burning gases in within its burning flames.

Apart from that Crude oil is found deep below the Earth. Crude Oil is also known to be an  inflammable substance.

(Water is also found below the earth, and so, Oxygen and Carbon dioxide are also part of the gases found in this Outer Court region of the Earth.

The Brazen Laver which was filled with Water to the brim: The water in the Brazen Laver also represents  the availability of water below the Earth.

Now, everyone is aware of a water reservoir below the Earth, on which we stand, and this main source of deep water is linked up to all the seas, rivers, lakes and the oceans.

So we dig deep wells into the ground to get water out of the water reservoir called The Water Table. Thus, apart from fire, that is, light and gas, there is water under the Earth’s crust too.



Graphical Image Shows Availability of Water below the Earth’s Crust


The circular shape of the Brazen Laver which was filled of water: The circular shape of the brazen laver was also to symbolize the circular shape of the Earth, which is round or circular in shape. So the outermost design of the Earth is what makes us see the actual design of the globe.

The Use of Brass Elements: Then again, in the Outer Court, both the Altar of Burnt Sacrifice and the Brazen Laver were all made from Brass Element.

NB, Iron is the basic raw material used for making Brass metals. In the Outer Court of our Geological Earth, Iron is in large quantities; We mine Iron below the Earth’s Crust, for economic purposes.

Secondly, Brass with its colour of Brown was to indicate the true colour of the earth and its layers of rocks, which are brown in colour.

Therefore, Water, Fire, Gas, the Soil and Rocks were symbolized by these two important vessels of the Outer Court. Amazingly, these have been the exact products Geologists find under the Earth’s Crust.



Outer Court of the Earth and its Vessels


2# The Inner Court of the Earth-From the Earth’s Crust to the Sky (The Veil)

The Inner Court represents the space in-between the Earth’s Crust and the sky (the veil). And upon the Earth’s crust is where we live.

Now, the Table of Showbread, the Golden Menorah and Table of Incense of God’s Inner Court also have symbolic meanings and representations as far as the Earth Inner Court is concerned. Below are what they represent;

The 12 Loaves of Bread-The Showbread: In Numerology, the number 12 stands for any of the following; Kingdoms, lands, empires, systems, governments, administration, control etc.

So, this number was to represent all forms of kingdoms upon the surface of the Earth. Hence, the graphical image below shows where we the human, plant, animal and the water kingdoms have been situated by God, through the pattern of the tabernacle.

All Kingdoms of the Eco-system symbolized by the number 12


The Golden Menorah (6 lamp stands with 7 Candlesticks): We also  said earlier on, that,  in the Inner Court, there was a golden vessel made up of 6 lamp stands and 7 candlesticks to provide illumination and heat (light and heat energies) for the entire Inner Court of the Temple.


As the Priest lit up the Candlesticks so our Sun lights up the Globe providing light and vision for all the kingdoms inhabiting the land


Hence, the Light produced by the seven candlesticks was to symbolize  Sun-light brought to all the kingdoms on the surface of the earth. The Sun gives both HEAT and DAY-LIGHT to the kingdoms.

Moreover, the golden colour of the menorah symbolizes the golden colour of the Sun’s rays, while the number 7, was to symbolize the 7 phases of the Sun’s burning intensity, which is realized in diverse times of the year, day, hour, day etc.

Diverse intensities, is the reason for the sun being hotter in some parts of the earth than others. Hence, in Africa it so hot, while in the cold regions of Europe and North America, its intensity is so low. God considers these diverse intensities into 7 full heights, throughout the whole Earth.



7 heights of the Sun’s burning Intensities


Now, at night, when the Moon also receives Light from the Sun, it gives us Moonlight. And moreover, the Moon also has 7 phases (The Seven Phases of the Moon; Its starts changing from a no-Moon  to a full-Moon.


7 Phases of the Moon-light, evidently seen by all 

The flowers and buds of the Menorah: Meanwhile, the flowers and buds on the stem of the candlesticks represents how the Sun’s energy aids in of flowering and budding. This process is known as Photosynthesis, which is also something discovered by scientists.

The Incense (Gas) of the Altar:  Over here, God used the incense smoke (the cloud of smoke) which filled the entire Inner Court to indicate the Clouds which move across the length and breadth of the sky. And also to refers to all the gases filling up our atmosphere. Some of the gases of the atmosphere include oxygen, carbon dioxide, as well as nitrogen.

The sweet scent produced by the Incense smoke or gas, was to represent the good smell of nature’s air (O2) which God has given to us within this space.



Clouds and Gases of the Atmosphere represented by Incense Smoke



Winged Creatures and Other flying objects across the Sky

The Flying Wings of Cherubs: The wings of the Cherubs on the Veil (which represented the sky), were to indicate how winged creatures fly across the length and breadth of our Sky. Thus, these were to refer to all the birds that fly across the length and breadth of the sky, each and every day.

We know that both big and small birds fly across the length and breadth of our sky every single day. They move from place to place and from tree to tree in search of food. Two birds among the many ones known to fly across the length and breadth of the sky include the Falcon and the Eagle.


Flying objects across the sky (veil)


Comets too are also seen flying across the skies of heaven or in the observable universe. We see them flying for a while and then vanish away. Now, among objects that fly across the length and breadth of sky include UFOs (i.e. Unidentified Flying Objects). UFO’s are mostly seen in the Northern Hemisphere by those living there.


The Veil Covering the Most Holy Place: The Veil was a Divide in the Inner Court to represent the Sky, while the colours of the Sky were also symbolized by the colours of the  curtains of this Inner Court.

It explains why in the Bible God calls the Sky a divide (a division) and also an expanse (something stretched as a curtain). We know that on an average day, the sky appear as blue. However, when there is dawn we see a golden or purple-pink sky; while usually looks dark or ash during rainy seasons when the clouds gather to give us rain.


Veil representing our sky while Colourful Curtains represents the diverse Colours of the Sky


Eyes and the Artistic Designs of Cherubs on the Veil Covering the Most Holy Place:  Cherubs are creatures with several eyes upon their bodies. 

So the eyes on cherubs over here were to connote the stars, which are like several eyes opened in their individual sockets. We see the stars above us (beyond the sky) in the observable universe any time we lift our eyes to look into Outer Space at night.

We should also remember that stars are capable of creating artistic designs or images according to their positions in certain times of the year.

So an Artistic Design of Cherubs upon whose bodies are eyes, was to indicate how Stars are seen above, creating Artistic Designs called Horoscopes, and as we said they are usually seen at night. God said He would show us signs and wonders with these stars seen beyond the sky.

And God said, ‘’Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and for years…’’ 

Gen. 1:14; 15, the Gid.

Actually, though we are all supposed to learn and understand the meanings of these signs and symbols created by the Stars, currently, we see Astrologers as main people who study them as a profession.

3# The Most Holy Place of the Earth’s Geological Structure -Beyond the Sky

The Most Holy Place of God’s Temple represented the section or the division beyond the Veil of God’s Temple.

In addition, The Most Holy Place, according to the plan, was were God also came to sit, after the tabernacle was constructed and furnished. Hence, the observable universe, seen beyond the  sky, where our Sun is located,  represents the Most Holy Place of the  globe.

God’s Presence of light and inflammable fire in the Most Holy Place: So then, God’s bodily image of fire and light in the Most Holy Place of the Temple was to symbolize the Sun’s glory of fire and light which we see above our sky, day in and day out.

God’s presence of light and fire over the Ark of Covenant represents the Sun’s light and fire being.


The reason why the Sun symbolizes God or vice versa is that both God and the Sun are both light and fire beings. The Bible states that God is a consuming fire and He is also a being of light.

We know that God also appeared to the children of Israel as Light and Fire, just as the Sun ‘s nature or glory too is light and fire.


For our “God is a consuming fire.” Heb. 12:29 NIV
This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness…
1 John 1:5 NLT


Hence, God actually created the Sun seen in Space, above  the sky (-the Earth’s Most Holy Place), to indicate His glory, which is an illumination of light, a burning sensation of fire, and with energies of life.



The Sun represents God, who is a fire being and a Light too


The Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place: This seat in the Most Holy Place was to symbolize the center-place, where the Sun sits in Space, beyond our clouds or the Sky.

However, the golden colour of the Ark on the other hand was a representation of the golden colour of the Sun’s rays or beam of light. 

Moreover, all the other items in the Ark of the Most Holy Place was to represent the Sun’s Nature, benefits,  and functions.

 Below, we see what the Sun’s functions, benefits and natures are as far as these items of the Most Holy Place are concerned.

a. The Two Tablets of Stone on which the 10 Commandments were written: As realized, Law is used everywhere to connote power, energy and force.

Thus, these laws were representing the power and energy nature of the Sun. Yes, from Space, we know that the Sun gives us energy and power. Some of the energies provided by the Sun include radiation energy (light energy), thermal or heat energy, together with life energies.

b. The Book of the Law: The meaning of the law is the same as the one above. The Sun is also the law giver or the light-energy- giver and god of all celestial beings (bodies).

c. The Incense (or the gas) filing the Most Holy Place: As Incense represents Gas, the gas was also to explain the gaseous nature of the Sun.

As it is well known, the Sun is a mixture of gases (as God’s nature too is). So therefore, this incense gas was there to also connote the Sun’s radiation which is also a mixture of heat and gas, that is felt by us, and all the other kingdoms upon Earth, as well.

d. The Pot of Manna: The Manna was a representation of food. So, humans obtain some form of food from this Sun. Of course, that is  in the form of vitamins.

An example of the ‘food’ or nutrient is Vitamin D, and it is discovered by scientists as well.

e. Aaron’s rod which budded: We saw that Aaron’s rod was a rod with green leaves sprouting upon it.

The GREEN LEAF is to indicate the life given to all of us by the Sun, as it aids in the growth and development of biological organisms inside the Ecosystem. And we also know that, the Sun helps green leaves and plants (flowering plants) to grow and to make food for us to eat.

The Dark Badger Skin (The Dark Matter): Here, the covering of Dark Badger Skin was there to represent the dark energy matter (darkness) seen above us, in Space. And the Dark Matter is like a long dark stretched curtain; and it is here that the Stars are located.

We see this effect at night, when we lift up our eyes to look into Space.


The Dark Matter Symbolized by the Dark Badger Skin over the Temple

Hence, this was how God unevenly distributed the resources of the Earth, when He was creating its Geological Structure with the Tabernacle-model. Hence, it was designed and created as a Tent or a Tabernacle for us to dwell in.

(According to God, all the planets (kingdoms/lands) of the Solar System were also created with the same pattern of the Tabernacle, (the pattern of His glory), with several diverse differences).

Thus, that this was how the Lord God had created and designed all planets with this plan.  In fact, the glory of the Lord, is in all the Heavens, and also ills all the Earth as the Gods Cherubs have kept stating.


Above him were seraphim, each with six wings…and they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; THE WHOLE EARTH IS FULL OF HIS GLORY

Isaiah 6:2-3 NIV


Then again, if the earth is a tabernacle, then we actually have to understand what it is made for. We are no more ignorant.

Now, to Him be the glory and honour forever more!

Joy, and lots of love.

Prince Akogo

(Called, by the Anointing of God).

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How God had Designed & Created the Earth’s Geographical Economic Structure

Please Note: I received this Mystery after I had an encounter and went to Heaven. There, I met God Almighty, and He gave me a Golden Book, which I was told contained ”The Mysteries and Secrets of God.” The Lord requested that I write these Mysteries down. This is Part Three of the ”Mystery of Creation,” talking about how God designed and created this Earth’s Geographical Economic Structure. You’ll be blessed, after reading it. 


How God had Designed & Created the Earth’s Geographical Economic Structure


After a long time of being silent, as well as being in hideout,  the Lord has began answering the world and has revealed how the world and its Geographical pattern was designed by Him, to prove His Glory, in everything He has created.

This is to show, He is the One, who has been feeding the world, and He’s still the One feeding the world, till today.

Moreover, we are actually beginning to see that God is revealing more to prove that nothing had come by Chance, by Evolution or by Natural Selection since most people in the world are being deceived by Charles Darwin’s theories and assumptions.

Amazingly, apart from the Universe which I had explained in one of my posts, God  also used the same Mosaic tabernacle model, which is the model of His Glory, to design and create the Earth. He also looked on the plan of His tabernacle to also distribute her economic resources too. He later put full flesh on them, after looking upon His Heavenly model.


The Geographical Economy


Thus, unknown to the world, the Geographical Earth too, according to the Holy Spirit, also has the same model or plan of the Tabernacle of Moses.

The tabernacle interestingly reveals how major resources of the earth were distributed and arranged by Him at certain vantage points.

This may sound unreal but we may understand and discover this secret soon, when you keep on reading this post.


The Model for Designing the Earth!



How the Geographical Economy was Designed and Created

Now, because God’s Tabernacle has an Outer Court an Inner Court and a Most Holy Place, It means that the Geographical Earth, also has a large Outer Courtyard, an Inner Court or Holy Place being the second largest section, and a Most Holy Place section too, because God had designed it follow the pattern of His Tabernacle.

Outer Court, Inner Court and Most Holy Places of the Earth


This means that if we have to know how God designed, created and  distributed the economic resources of the earth according to the Mosaic Tabernacle, then we have to understand how God actually instructed Moses to build  and furnish the tabernacle. So  we would start explaining how the tabernacle of Moses was designed and constructed according to the plan of God.


The 3-Court Tabernacle Model

How God’s Model was designed and Constructed by Moses

(if you have read in any our posts about the details of the Tabernacle and you understand it so well, then you don’t need to read it here again.

Just scroll down to the next subtitle after this subheading to continue with the post, or else you can still consider  revising, by reading the description of the tabernacle here).

When explaining the details of the tabernacle, The Lord’s Spirit helped me to realize that the tabernacle had 3 courts, thus was also 3 dimensional. The tabernacle had an Outer Courtyard, The Inner Court and a Most Holy Place.




The Outer Courtyard

This was the largest court of the Lord’s tabernacle.


Inside Outer Court: Indicated by Arrow


Before a person will enter the Outer Courtyard, there was a Gate in front which one must pass through before getting into the large outer courtyard.


Outer Court Gate


Moreover, the whole courtyard was covered with white linen cloth, fastened to several poles and pegs. In the compound of the Outer Courtyard were two vessels.  The first one after the Tabernacle Gate was the Brazen Altar of Burnt Sacrifice.

 Altar of Burnt Sacrifice


It was a brass metallic rectangular box with wire mesh inside it. Under the mesh were coals of fire.

At the four corners of this Altar were four extensions called Horns. It was on this Brazen Altar of Burnt Sacrifice that sacrifices like lambs, bullocks and grains of cereals were burnt. Also, the blood of sacrifices was also poured upon it and also in a brazen pan by its side.

The second vessel, right after the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice was the Brazen Laver. The Brazen Laver was a large brazen bowl filled with water to its brim.


Brazen Laver of Water


The priests of the court often washed their hands in this brass pan before entering into the Temple to render services to the Lord God.


The Inner Court

But the first room of the Temple was called the Inner Court or Holy Place. This Inner Court too has a Door in front, which enclosed it. So then, before one enters this room, he had to pass through the Door to get into it.


Inner Court Door


Inside Inner Court


Now, inside the Inner Court we can see a Gold Plated Table on the right side. This table was called The Table of Showbread and on it were 12 flat loaves of bread.


Table of Showbread on the right: Six flat loaves on each side of this Table


These 6 loaves on each side totaled up to 12. On the left side of the Table of Showbread was what was called The Golden Menorah. 

According to description, the Golden Menorah was also a vessel of Six (6) golden lamp stands, with seven (7) candle sticks upon it. And the 7 candlesticks were lit frequently with coals of fire to provide light for the entire room of the Inner Court, often called the Holy Place as well.



Candlesticks being lit by a Priest


As fuel for the candlesticks, the priests used Olive Oil.  Then again, the Golden Menorah also had engravings of flowers and fruit buds on the stems of each of these 7 candlesticks.


The Altar of Incense

At the far end of the Inner Court, close to the veil shielding the Most Holy Place was The Golden Altar of Incense.


Incense Table: by the veil of Most Holy Place


On this piece of gold plated furniture, incense was burnt. When the incense was burnt, the incense smoke or gas filled the whole Inner Court.


Incense being burnt by Priest


But there were certain ingredients that were used for the incenses. These included Gum, Resin, Onycha, and Galbanum. Now, this floor space in between the Golden Menorah vessel and these other two sets of furniture of the Holy Place was called the Threshing Floor. 

Then as one looks into the Holy Place, one can see that the veil shielding the entrance of the Most Holy Place had artistic designs of Cherubs.


Cherubs on Veil: Designs of Eyes Close by


Around these cherubs, you see other designs as well. These designs around the cherubs reflect the eyes on the bodies of cherubs. Cherubs, on the other hand, are celestial beings who have eyes all over them. They live with God in the world we can’t see.

There were also colourful Curtains on the left and of the right hand side walls of the Holy Place: and even in the second and last room called the Most Holy Place are also curtains. But, according to the measurements, the length of this Holy Place was 20 cubits, with breadth too being 20 cubits.


The Most Holy Place

Finally, the last room of this Temple was the Most Holy Place. Though this room was the smallest and last room, it was the most important place of the tabernacle. This was because when Moses had finished constructing the entire tabernacle, it was reported that the people saw God heading down from the skies as fire, and without any particular form, into the Most Holy Place.

Ark of Covenant visited by God’s Glory of Fire


Anytime He went into the Most Holy Place in the appearance of fire He sat upon The Golden Ark of Covenant.

There was no light in the Most Holy Place, but His nature being light and fire produced light for the Most Holy Place. On the gold plated Ark of Covenant Box, were also gold images of cherubs, each one on the side, with their glorious wings spread out to cover God’s face.


God as Light over the Ark of Covenant:
face covered by designed wings of the Cherubs


The Items inside God’s Ark of the Covenant: Yet inside the Ark or the Chest Box on which this fire celestial being sat were other items, which Moses was commanded to set in there.

These included the 2 Tablets of Stone on which the popular 10 commandments were written, the Golden Pot of manna (The golden pot which contained the bread God gave to the children of Israel), the book of the Law, and Aaron’s rod (a rod with shoots of fresh green leaves).


Ark of the Covenant with Vessels inside   


Once a year, the High Priest went into this sacred room, called the Most Holy Place to offer sacrifices. He also burnt incense to fill the Most Holy Place: he never went in there when God arrived there.

By measurement, this Most Holy Place had its length to be 10 cubits, and a breadth too to be 10 cubits. Lastly, while the large Outer Courtyard had no covering, the Temple of two rooms, of an Inner Court and a Most Holy Place had roofing made with Badger Skins.

Outer Courtyard Uncovered: Dark Badger Skin over the 2 rooms


The other thing we have to know is that this tabernacle, its vessels, furniture and all other items are symbolic and also have literal or direct interpretations as well.

So, according to the Lord, for us to understand how the Geographical pattern of the Earth was designed and Created, and how its resources were distributed according to the pattern of the Mosaic tabernacle, we have to know what the tabernacle, its vessels, furniture sets and other items, were all  to symbolize as far as the geographical economy is concerned.

Hence, this explains  why God told Moses that this Tabernacle was actually a Model or Pattern. So He had said to Moses:


‘Be sure that you make everything according to the PATTERN (DESIGN/MODEL) I have shown you here on the mountain.

Exodus 25:40 NLT



The Symbolic and Literal Meaning of the Tabernacle with regards to the Geographical Economy

The Entire Tabernacle of the Lord: First and foremost, the entire geographical earth is represented by the tabernacle of the Lord.

The 3 divisions of the Lord’s Tabernacle: Just as we said earlier on, in God’s Tabernacle, there were 3 divisions; the Outer Court, the Inner Court and the Most Holy Place.

And these 3 divisions were created by the  Gate of the Outer Court, the Door of the Inner Court and the Veil of the Most Holy Place; meaning our Geographical Earth has 3 divisions, just as  God’s Tabernacle.

So, in the graphical image below, the two red lines represent the Inner Court Door and Veil of the Most Holy Place. However, we will consider the Outer Court Gate  as an imaginary line around the Northern Hemisphere of the Geographical Earth.



The 3-sections of God’s Holy Tabernacle revealing The Most Holy Place, the Inner Court and the Outer Court of the Geographical Earth



From the drawing, we can know where the Outer Court of the Geographical Earth is located, as well as the locations of the Most Holy Place and its Inner Court Sections or regions of the Earth as well.

Having knowledge of this we can proceed to know what each vessel, furniture set or item was to represent upon the Earth in each court division of the earth.



 The Symbolic and literal Interpretations of the Vessels, Furniture Sets and Other Items as far as far as each of the Court of the Earth is concerned

#1 The Outer Court of the Geographical Earth

The graphical illustration below shows where the Outer Court of the Earth is located.



Outer Court of the Earth- The Largest Section of Geographical Earth


Okay, so you should be able to  realize that as the Outer Court of the tabernacle was the largest portion of the Tabernacle, the size of this part of the earth is also the largest part among the three divisions of the earth.

No wonder, the largest and most populous countries, such as Russia and the United States of America are located in this part or region. This reason is because they live in the large Outer Court where there is plenty of land resources.

To begin, Let’s  find out what the two vessels of the Outer Court symbolize with regard to this part of the world, which in design is the Outer Court of the Earth. Now, the two major vessels found in the Outer Court of God’s Tabernacle included:

A. The Brazen laver-The vessel filled with water

B. and the Brazen Altar of Incense-the vessel on which sacrifices were made.



Altar of Brass and the Brazen Laver

We should now find out what they represented as far as the Outer Court section of the Geographical Earth is concerned, beginning with the Brazen Laver.

The Brazen Laver filled with Water: The water of the Brazen laver show that in the Outer part of the Earth water is seen in abundance or is a dominant resource there.

Of course, we have seen that where geologists term as the North Pole and the Polar Regions are actually the Outer Court of the earth and over here too, water is seen in abundance, especially in the form of ice or as snow in the very same way in which, in our Universe water is found in its outermost or Outer Courtyard.

Countries in the outermost part of the Geographical Earth Tabernacle include North American and some European countries. These are countries where snow falls. For example in Canada, hailstones fall as huge irregular ice stones or blocks from above.


Brazen Laver with Water-Outer Court Section


For me, I think that the Crater Lake of the United States of America has been designed by the Designer to carry the shape of the Cylindrical Brazen Laver which is filled with water to the brim.


The Crater Lake and the Brass Basin filled with Water look a-like



The Brass Element for making the Two Vessels: Secondly, you will realize that both the brazen laver and the brazen altar of sacrifice were two vessels  made  from Brass.

However, the Brass Element is an element which is made from the  Iron Element. Hence, this is was  also to indicate that there is large availability of Iron in this largest part of the Earth also.

Now, we are very much aware that the largest producing countries of Iron are located in this parts of the Earth too. Well, that’s why most inventions made from iron and steel are from Iron producing countries like USA and Japan. (Brass is made from Iron).



Both Outer Court Vessels made of Brass



The Brazen Altar of Sacrifice in the Outer Court of the Tabernacle

The Firewood on the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice: In Symbology, firewood represents fuel. That means that there  is also availability of fuel in these areas too. For example, We know that  Coal, which is a firewood and kind of fuel, is produced in large quantities in the United States of America.

The Fire on the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice:  The fire there represents volcanoes (which are fires) in these parts of the world too (represented by the fire of the Altar Court).

The Horns of the Altar of Sacrifice: A Horn, in Symbology stands for energy, power or force. More so, there are evidences of diverse energies here too. Energies here include the North Magnetic Pole (A magnetic force or Energy).

(However, in the Tabernacle, here is not the North, neither places around Africa and Brazil, the South. God’s Cardinal points differ). These energies also include the strong energies inside the sea like the Bermuda Triangle and the Cold energies of the Polar Regions.

The Number four(the four horns) also represent the four corners of the Earth.

The Smoke from Altar’s Fire: The smoke fuming from the firewood represent Natural Gases. According to scientists natural gases are in abundance here too, with the largest producers of natural gas being Russia and Canada, which are two main countries in the outermost court of our geographical economy.


#2 The Inner Court or regions of the Geographical Earth


The Inner Court of the Geographical Earth


 The graphical image above shows locations of the earth’s Holy Place or Inner Court region. We should also realize that just as the Inner Court was the next biggest, it symbolizes the Inner Court regions of the Earth which was also the next biggest of world map above.

Similarly, the vessels and furniture sets of the Inner Court were to represent or symbolize the sort of resources God placed in these middle belt regions of the world.


(First) Measurements of the Holy Place or Inner Court: As we saw earlier, the Inner court has a length of 20 cubits, with breadth too of 20 cubits. Now the sum of 20 plus 20 equals 40. 40 in numerology represent the following: deserts, rocky grounds, bare or barren grounds, trial, probation and wilderness.

If we can recall God made the children of Israel walk through the wilderness or through the desert for 40 years before He made them reach the land of gold, called Canaan land.

As one can detect from any good geographical map, most of the lands here too are desert lands. The largest deserts in the world are located in these parts of the world. The largest is the Sahara Desert. We also have the Arabian, Thar, Sonoran, Mojave and Chihuahuan deserts. All these deserts are located in the middle belt regions or innermost regions of our geographical earth.

The Golden Table of Incense (Gas, Air, Wind): Incense was a gas and so this represents any kind of Gases, type of Air or wind. Now, we also know that in these parts of Geographical Earth Economy, Natural gases are also obtained in large quantities here.

This gas also refers to the windy and dusty weather in North Africa called harmattan, which blows towards West Africa. The harmattan usually obscures visibility just as sometimes incense burnt in the Holy Place obscures visibility too, and according to Bible records, sometimes it made the priests unable to work in the Inner Court.

It as well refers to the clouds that pour forth rain from the sky.


His Clouds Pour forth rain upon us-on both the Good and the Bad


Ingredients used as Spices: In the Inner Court of God’s Tabernacle, God had also told the priests to use spices as ingredients for the burning of incense.

So therefore, this should also explain why in the regions of Asia (The Middle Court Area), the lands are good for the production of spices. We know that India is one of the largest producers of diverse kinds of spices in the world, and she too falls in the Inner Court region or belt of our geographical Earth. Apart from spices we have most incenses in production in India.

The Olive Oil: We are also aware that Olives are also found in the middle section of the world. Countries in this Inner Court region which are into olive and olive oil production include Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, and Turkey.

This Olive Oil used for the Golden Menorah also represents fuel, because it was used as fuel for lighting the 7 Lampstands and 7 candlesticks.


The Inner Chamber again


This was also to show that the largest oil fields (producing countries) have located  in this Inner Court section of our geographical earth tabernacle as well. Of course, these middle belt countries comprise of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya, Dubai etc.

The Flowery Designs and buds engraved on the Golden Menorah: Then also it very interesting that the largest flower producing countries are located in this Inner Court Section too.

Some of these countries here include like the Netherlands, the country of Sweden, India, Malaysia, and other Asian countries have lands which aid in flower production plantations.



Netherlands in Shot!


Sweden (a flower producing Country) in Shot too


Secondly, when you look on any world map, you would also notice that the largest fruit production countries are located in these middle belts countries and that was what the fruit buds was to represent.

These countries include China, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, and Iran. Regions in the United State where fruits are produced in large quantities are also towards South America, hence, falling into the middle section or region of our geographical Earth.

The Golden Table of Showbread: Bread as known is made with yeast and flour. Moreover, we are aware, that most countries in the Middle East (middle court region) like Israel produce yeast because their soil favours such crops, hence the 12 loaves of bread.

The Number 12: The number 12 in Numerology is a very popular number which means kingdoms, systems, governments, organisms, organs, control, administration etc. 

This number 12 is to indicate that on the entire geographical earth there are kingdoms: these kingdoms are the human kingdoms, the plant kingdoms, animal kingdoms and the water kingdoms, spread across the length and breadth of the geographical earth.

However, we know that according to Biblical history, the human kingdom actually started from this middle section (Inner Court) of our geographical earth before spreading towards the Arctic and Antarctic oceans, and towards the East (Europe) and to Americas (Refer to Adam’s Story).


Eyes and the Artistic design of Cherubs: Over here eyes represent stars as stars look like bright eyes in their individual sockets. But the idea of eyes by an artistic design of cherubs is to communicate the idea that eyes (stars) are capable of creating artistic designs. And these signs created by eyes are what Astrologers call the Horoscopes.

We know that the signs of horoscopes (artistic designs of Stars) are usually evident in this part of the world, though seen in other parts of the world too.

Therefore we find many people in the olden days, and even in modern era around Asia, Europe and the Middle East in the practice of Astrology. They are people who study Stars most often. The practice and occupation of Astrology has been in existence since the world began in this Inner Court section of our Earth.

The Crescent moon is easily found in the region.


The Crescent Moon of the East


The flying Wings of Cherubs: Over here, it was also to symbolize all winged creatures (flying winged creatures) which fly across the length and breadth of the Sky every day, (from North to South and back home, from West to East and back home).



3#The Most Holy Place of the Geographical Earth



The Section of the Most Holy Place


As you will see in the graphical image above, areas in the South such as South America, Australia, the Western, Eastern and Southern parts of Africa, make up the Most Holy Place region of the Earth.

This means that the vessels, furniture sets and other items placed in the Most Holy Place were to symbolize major resources God placed in this parts of the Earth.


God’s fire and light Presence over the Ark of Covenant: The Most Holy Place was where God’s presence of fire and light came to sit. God’s presence of fire and light represents the Sun’s light which is a dominant feature in the southern parts of the Earth. Thus, the Sun is represented by God’s light of fire presence over the Golden Ark of Covenant.




God’s radiating glory of fire over the Ark-Where the weather is hot


God represents the Sun because both God and the Sun have the same kind of nature or qualities. The Bible calls God a being whose nature is Light and Fire. Similarly, He created the Sun to take up His image, which is both an energy being of  light and fire.

As a result, this part of the world, close to the (The Antarctica) is very sunny and directly opposite to the regions of the Arctic Ocean, which is very cold indeed.


Two Tablets of Stone with the 10 Commandments written upon it: Law is a symbol that is used everywhere to stand for Power, Energy and Force. Thus, this represents the energy and power from our Sun, (e.g. light and thermal energies).


The Book of the Law: This also represents the high energies or power of our Sun as law is used to connote energy and power.  As realized, the Sun shines so hot in these parts of the world so much that there are usually great and serious bush fires. Thus, many African countries and Australia suffer from bush fires.


The Golden Ark of Covenant: This Treasure Box made with Gold symbolizes great resourceful treasures located in these sections or parts of the world. Of course, this explains why these parts of the geographical earth have great economic resources. These areas are very rich with natural resources like Gold, Diamonds, Aluminium, Copper, Zinc, Coal, Bauxite, Oil, Uranium etc. The most fertile lands of the earth are here, and there are great vegetation and plantations in these regions as well.


Gold: Gold indicates riches and there are great economic minerals located especially in these regions of our geographical earth. Hence, because of Gold here, there are Gold mining countries located in this section of the world. The largest gold-mining countries of this earth include South Africa, Brazil, Australia and Ghana.

Moreover, there are also precious minerals like diamonds, manganese, bauxite, Uranium and others in this part of the earth, which according to design is the Most Holy Place of the Geographical Earth.

Many years ago, the country Ghana was known as the Gold Coast because gold could easy be washed to the shores of her coastal waters. Cocoa, being called the Gold fruit is also grown in Africa, e.g. Ghana and Ivory Coast.

Gold here too stands for the golden colour of the Sun. It is already no news. The world is aware about the distribution of these natural resources which we all came to meet but don’t understand how they came be here.


The Pot of Manna: Manna was a symbol of food, for God used manna to feed the children of Israel. Of course, we are aware that, because of fertile lands of the countries of Southern America (e.g. Brazil), West, East and Southern Africa, food crops plantations are more in numbers.

There is large production of cash crops. Hence, the countries in these parts of the world, like the many Africa countries, Brazil and Australia are supposed to have food in abundance because their soils are good, to support large food crop production.


Aaron’s rod that budded (rod with fresh green leaves upon it): Aaron’s rod was a tree plant, having green leaves upon it. The green leaf indicates the large green vegetation. The rod on the other hand signifies tree or trees, for a rod is also from a tree.

Hence, God tries to indicate that over here He planted the largest and great natural vegetation. Just as we know, Australia, East, West and Southern African countries have the largest forests reserves of great economic trees, fruit trees, herbs etc.

The Amazon in South America is also located in this region. The Soils around here are so fertile that when a tree is cut down (rod), it spouts again (the sprouting of green leaves on Aaron’s rod) at the scent of water.

So trees and food crops grow faster. It won’t be long; you will begin to see buds and green leaves upon it. Trees grow faster here, in the vegetation of the Amazon, African countries and in some parts of Australia.


The Incense which filled the Most Holy Place: In Symbology, Incense is used to connote Gases. Moreover, This part of the earth is also known to be very cloudy, producing frequent rainfalls,  is to provide enough water for the vegetation or its wild jungles.


The Images of the cherubs of Glory on the Ark of the Covenant: These cherubs were known to have the looks of men. In the Most Holy Place of the Geographical Earth, they were to represent Animals like monkeys and chimpanzees in Africa which we know that they  also have the looks of men. The cherubs also had the faces of a;

1. Lion: (to represent the lions of Africa’s jungle. That should explain why there are lions here too. The lion is known as the king of the jungle which lives in the African forests

2. A lamb: (sacrifices like bulls, lambs, cattle, bullocks are abundant here too). We all know that Australia is the largest producer of sheep. Moreover, in North, East and West Africa there is high livestock farming because the Lord of the Earth also placed a lot of green grass over here (Aaron’s green leaf) to be their food.

3. The Eagle: Nowhere in the world will you find the habitat of Eagles than the Southern part (hemisphere) of the Earth (where Africa is located). Eagles are mostly found in the Eastern regions of Africa.


The Flying Wings of the Cherubs: These wings of the cherubs were also to represent lots of winged creatures (flying birds) flying across the length and breadth of the Sky in these highly vegetative areas of the world (leaf of Aaron’s rod)-just to look for food and shelter.

There are lots of birds here because  of so many vegetation. Comets are also seen flying across the Sky and then they disappear.

(Note: According to the Lord, regarding objects that fly across the length and breadth of sky in the Northern hemisphere includes what we know as UFOs (i.e. Unidentified Flying Objects apart from birds).

Hence, the entire geographical earth has the tabernacle of God as its map or the site map, showing how main world economic resources were distributed by God before human settlements jumped unto it.

Lastly, the circular shape of the Brazen Laver also indicates the round shape of the earth surrounded with water. The whole geographical earth is known to be surrounded in a circular pattern with water. In fact, the earth was drawn out of water, according to God’s word.


But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.

2 Peter 3:5, NIV


It is similar to how in Space water in the form of ice moves round the fire-god Sun. In fact, we are surprised by how the Bible has knowledge of all these things as well, before they were being discovered by modern scientists. All these should tell us that God designed and formed all things according to His tabernacle model and it was never by Chance. In the post, God reveals His Glory in the Tabernacle, we saw that tabernacle was given to show as the image and likeness of His Glory.

That means, the Earth is truly filled with His Glory. This was why God declared and said:



NUM. 14:21 KJB (2000)


He actually placed the world’s economic resources of the earth, according to the same plan of His Glory, being revealed by the tabernacle. No wonder that, God, in many of the Biblical scriptures declared that He created them, the whole of Heaven  and the whole Earth according to His Glory. (E.g. Gen. 1:2, 3/Psa. 24).

I tell you that God is by no means a joke! He won’t play around. In deed God is alive and not dead though He chooses to be quite sometimes and not speak to any one for particular reasons!

He’s God who keeps His greatness under ‘control’ until the right time of speech and judgment. After long years of keeping silent and human rejection He will say;


I have long been silent; yes, I have restrained myself. But now, like a woman in labor, I will cry and groan and pant.

Isaiah 42: 14 NLT.


To Him be the glory for the great things He has done! He is God, and to Him be the honor the Praise and all Sacrifices. He who created the Universe is the same God who laid his soul as an offering for us all.

With lots of  love from God.





Prince Akogo.

(Called, by the Anointing of the Lord).

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 How God had Designed & Created us Men

Beloved, I received this Mystery after I had an encounter and went to Heaven and met God Face to Face. I was given a Golden Book by the Lord, which He said contained ”The Mysteries and Secrets of God.” Then, the Lord requested that I write these Mysteries down, which includes this particular one, which concerns the Mystery of Creation. In this revelation or post, you’re going to see how God had designed and created us men. The ”Mystery of Creation (Part 4). Thank you.


How God Had Designed & Created Us Men-Finally Revealed


We have come to know that God made all human race 3-dimensional beings to be like, His Glory, that is, the same Tabernacle, which Moses built, a replica of. Well, in case you are not aware as you read on you will begin to see it.

Now, before God’s Spirit would take His time to explain this whole thing about the creation of man to me, He first showed me a scripture in the Bible.



1 COR. 24:1 NKJV.


Hence, each and every human being on earth has a body, a Soul, and a Spirit irrespective of his or her ethnicity, tribe, colour, race or other status. So we were designed and created by God to bear the glory of the same Tabernacle model God gave to Moses on the mount.

So in other words, if we want to understand how God created us (man), then we have to understand how He created the Tabernacle.

The Description of God’s Tabernacle 

Note: (if you have read in any of our posts about the details of the Tabernacle (the Lord’s Model) and you understand it very well, then you don’t need to read it here again.

Just scroll down to the next subtitle after this subheading to continue with the post, or else you can still consider revising, by reading the description of the tabernacle here again).

When explaining the details of the tabernacle, The Lord’s Spirit helped me to realize that the tabernacle had 3 courts, thus was also 3 dimensional. The tabernacle had an Outer Courtyard, The Inner Court and a Most Holy Place.


The Outer Courtyard

This was the largest court of the Lord’s tabernacle.

Inside Outer Court: Indicated by Arrow


Before a person will enter the Outer Courtyard, there was a Gate in front which one must pass through before getting into the large outer courtyard.

Outer Court Gate


Moreover, the whole courtyard was covered with white linen cloth, fastened to several poles and pegs. In the compound of the Outer Courtyard were two vessels.  The first one after the Tabernacle Gate was the Brazen Altar of Burnt Sacrifice.

 Altar of Burnt Sacrifice

It was a brass metallic rectangular box with wire mesh inside it. Under the mesh were coals of fire.

At the four corners of this Altar were four extensions called Horns. It was on this Brazen Altar of Burnt Sacrifice that sacrifices like lambs, bullocks and grains of cereals were burnt. Also, the blood of sacrifices was also poured upon it and also in a brazen pan by its side.

The second vessel, right after the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice was the Brazen Laver. The Brazen Laver was a large brazen bowl filled with water to its brim.

Brazen Laver of Water


The priests of the court often washed their hands in this brass pan before entering into the Temple to render services to the Lord God.


The Inner Court

But the first room of the Temple was called the Inner Court or Holy Place. This Inner Court too has a Door in front, which enclosed it. So then, before one enters this room, he had to pass through the Door to get into it.

Inner Court Door

Inside Inner Court

Now, inside the Inner Court we can see a Gold Plated Table on the right side. This table was called The Table of Showbread and on it were 12 flat loaves of bread.

Table of Showbread on the right: Six flat loaves on each side of this Table


These 6 loaves on each side totalled up to 12. On the left side of the Table of Showbread was what was called The Golden Menorah. 

According to description, the Golden Menorah was also a vessel of Six (6) golden lamp stands, with seven (7) candle sticks upon it. And the 7 candlesticks were lit frequently with coals of fire to provide light for the entire room of the Inner Court, often called the Holy Place as well.


Candlesticks being lit by a Priest

As fuel for the candlesticks, the priests used Olive Oil.  Then again, the Golden Menorah also had engravings of flowers and fruit buds on the stems of each of these 7 candlesticks.

The Altar of Incense

At the far end of the Inner Court, close to the veil shielding the Most Holy Place was The Golden Altar of Incense.

Incense Table: by the veil of Most Holy Place


On this piece of gold plated furniture, incense was burnt. When the incense was burnt, the incense smoke or gas filled the whole Inner Court.

Incense being burnt by Priest


But there were certain ingredients that were used for the incenses. These included Gum, Resin, Onycha, and Galbanum. Now, this floor space in between the Golden Menorah vessel and these other two sets of furniture of the Holy Place was called the Threshing Floor. 

Then as one looks into the Holy Place, one can see that the veil shielding the entrance of the Most Holy Place had artistic designs of Cherubs.

Cherubs on Veil: Designs of Eyes Close by


Around these cherubs, you see other designs as well. These designs around the cherubs reflect the eyes on the bodies of cherubs. Cherubs, on the other hand, are celestial beings who have eyes all over them. They live with God in the world we can’t see.

There were also colourful Curtains on the left and of the right hand side walls of the Holy Place: and even in the second and last room called the Most Holy Place are also curtains. But, according to the measurements, the length of this Holy Place was 20 cubits, with breadth too being 20 cubits.

The Most Holy Place

Finally, the last room of this Temple was the Most Holy Place. Though this room was the smallest and last room, it was the most important place of the tabernacle. This was because when Moses had finished constructing the entire tabernacle, it was reported that the people saw God heading down from the skies as fire, and without any particular form, into the Most Holy Place.

Ark of Covenant visited by God’s Glory of Fire


Anytime He went into the Most Holy Place in the appearance of fire He sat upon The Golden Ark of Covenant.

There was no light in the Most Holy Place, but His nature being light and fire produced light for the Most Holy Place. On the gold plated Ark of Covenant Box, were also gold images of cherubs, each one on the side, with their glorious wings spread out to cover God’s face.

God as Light over the Ark of Covenant:
face covered by designed wings of the Cherubs

The Items inside God’s Ark of the Covenant: Yet inside the Ark or the Chest Box on which this fire celestial being sat were other items, which Moses was commanded to set in there.

These included the 2 Tablets of Stone on which the popular 10 commandments were written, the Golden Pot of manna (The golden pot which contained the bread God gave to the children of Israel), the book of the Law, and Aaron’s rod (a rod with shoots of fresh green leaves).


Ark of the Covenant with Vessels inside 

Once a year, the High Priest went into this sacred room, called the Most Holy Place to offer sacrifices. He also burnt incense to fill the Most Holy Place: he never went in there when God arrived there.

By measurement, this Most Holy Place had its length to be 10 cubits, and a breadth too to be 10 cubits. Lastly, while the large Outer Courtyard had no covering, the Temple of two rooms, of an Inner Court and a Most Holy Place had roofing made with Badger Skins.

Outer Courtyard Uncovered: Dark Badger Skin over the 2 rooms


The tabernacle itself, its vessels, furniture and all other items are symbolic and also have direct interpretations as well. So, for us to understand how God created man, according to the model of His Tabernacle, which also reflects His Glory, we also have to understand the meaning of this tabernacle, vessels and furniture sets, that is, their literal and symbolic representations, as far as the making up of man, was concerned.

How God designed and Created Us with His tabernacle model

Thus, in order to understand how we were made, we are to understand what these vessels and sets of furniture means, as far as our Human Psychological nature is concerned.

The Entire Table: First, the entire tabernacle represents the whole being of mankind.


We are 3-dimensional organisms


A temple, is Man


The Outer Courts, Inner Court and Most Holy Place of Mankind’s whole being


The Outer Court-(Our bodies)

The first part of tabernacle, called the Outer Court was to represent our human bodies or our flesh. Now, in the Outer Court, we have seen that there were two main vessels- They were the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice and the Brazen Laver which was filled with water.

The Water in the Brazen Laver: Of course, since the Outer Court was to symbolize our human bodies, this water inside the Brazen Laver was to signify water in our human bodies.

In other words the water in our physical bodies gives us life and cleanses our bodies of toxins in the same way the priests were commanded to wash themselves of all filth with the water in the Outer Court.

The Water in the Brazen Laver symbolizes the water in our Outer Court, i.e., our bodies


As known, water is known to make up of 70% of the human bodies.

The Blood of Sacrifices on the Altar and in the Pan: Nonetheless, the blood upon the Altar of Sacrifice, with its Pan, full of blood signifies the blood we have in our bodies. This is basically to say that the human body is basically made up of blood.

 The Blood Sacrifice Poured into the Brazen Pan and upon the Altar


Hence the presence of these two objects in the Outer Court was to indicate that the human body is basically made up of Blood (red pigment) called BLOOD and then Water (The Water inside the Brazen Laver).

A body of Blood and Water represented by the presence of Water and Blood in the large Outer Court


The Badger Skin Covering over the Temple: Now, the dark badger skin covering of over Temple was to represent the hair on our human bodies, because the animal badger is a dark hairy animal.

The Hairs on our Skins and bodies


The Symbols of Brass Elements: And why did God use brass in the Outer Court. In symbology, brass was a symbol to represent something that can perish or die. So this Brazen Altar signifies that the human body can be subjected to a lot of weaknesses, pain, suffering, sicknesses and death as well.  And so we humans can die or perish at any time. So this is why we face these in life.

Wood and Fire of the Brazen Altar: This was also to provide knowledge that humans are like wood or trees and so we are flammable beings. In fact it is also one of the reasons why we can die and perish at any time, no matter who we are. So its important for us to take great care of our lives, of how we physically live.

Fire and Heat Produced in the Outer Court: The heat which was produced from the Altar was also to indicate that humans are really warm blooded beings (having heat inside our flesh or body). This is exactly what science tells us.

         The Inner Court of Our Bodies-(Our Souls)

On the hand, The Lord’s Spirit added that the Inner Court stands for our human soul. Below, we will find what these vessels and set of furniture in the inner court represent the basic properties also found in our human souls.

The image of Our Souls


The Showbread Table: We described it as a Golden Table set by the priest with 12 loaves of bread upon it. Bread over here signifies knowledge. As bread is the food needed by the human body, knowledge is the food needed by the human soul too.

The human mind, which is part of the soul, was created by God to receive knowledge through study and meditation.

Secondly, the number 12 (the 12 loaves) in Numerology, represents the following: Kingdom, sectors, systems, lands, governments, control, administration, organs and satisfaction. So this number was used to indicate the kingdoms, (the various aspects and sectors) of human life (of our human soul), which we need KNOWLEDGE (that is, bread) to know much about in order for us to be capable of living completely fulfilled lives (12-satisfaction).

These aspects or concerns of the human soul (life) borders around health, food (what to eat), education (the desire to know), relationship (companionship/marriage/friendship), time management, leadership, work, shelter (where to lay our heads), security, self-actualization, wellness etc. They are the desires of every man’s soul (mind/consciousness/heart) so they define our needs and wants in life which need to be satisfied with economic resources here on earth.

This was why God provided us with the Earth (The Geographical Economy with Resources). So these desires are rightly from our souls. Hence, it is the reason why we have political economic systems so that the government can assist the people in getting their share in the available economic resources in order to be satisfied too with all what God has provided for mankind-all His creations.

The Golden Menorah (The 6 golden Lampstands with 7 lit Candlesticks): The number 6 also stands for Man in the study of Numbers. So, the 7 golden lamp stands for what God calls Seven (7) intellectual properties needed by every man’s soul or spirit.  As the priests of God’s temple were instructed to light the 7 candle sticks all the time, and to keep it burning at all times, and were to never let it go out, God was trying to give knowledge through that. The light which was produced by the 7 candlesticks symbolized ‘illumination or knowledge.’ Thus, every man or woman’s light, (his illumination) and understanding increases while he or she continues to study to acquire more knowledge and also understanding (candlesticks always lit). This was to show that education is very vital to the human soul. It is the needed soul food (the symbol of bread) for every man’s mind. Now, the acquired Knowledge on the other hand, can be further broken down into other properties.

These properties are the manifestations your soul causes you to live up to, once you acquire knowledge or begin to educate your mind or senses to become enlightened (lighting the 7 candlesticks of your mind). From inside you, you begin to act as a man of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, counsel, might, fear ( live a respectable life) and a man of power (boldness or authority), because of the knowledge you have gotten inside of you, hence the seven lit candlesticks (the seven major properties of the human soul).  We have come to acknowledge that education enables us to be confident, bold, smart, and to shine among others like a lit candlestick in a completely dark room.

You become the envy of society as they are given the biggest positions to occupy in the business world. Hence, our souls are lit up as we imbibe knowledge! Thus, if darkness is in a man’s soul, it is a reflection of much ignorance in him. This will inevitably make him poor, disrespected, and for that matter he or she would be dissatisfied in him or herself much of the time. Hence, you cannot manifest your way in any of these powerful intellectual properties if you do not get your mind to be properly schooled.

You will be known and called an ignorant person or an uneducated person, and in fact, uncultured, weak willed, timid, and finally, uncivilized. (Note: that not every education is correct information). Lies, wrong assumptions and schools of thoughts will still bring darkness to the soul, because they are not going to become good fuels (the olive oil for the fire) for correct thinking and judgment into issues. You need the Truth, nothing lower, nothing more!

Thus, in order to receive the light of life into you, you have to begin studying and to educate mind properly, properly with only the Truth. That is when your life can progress effectively. This was why God said His word was the Truth, which is to mean that His Word is purely of the correct knowledge and can change or transform the human soul to become properly educated because He God knows, He doesn’t guess since He created all things. He has no assumptions or schools of thoughts. God guess not, He knows everything from A to Z, even before they happen!

God shows us from here that without knowledge acquisition (esp. the Truth), the room of our Souls would be dark indeed (dark energies). Hence, our minds are like moons which must be lit with the Sun of good Perfect knowledge which nothing but only His Word, both what are supposed to do, and what we are supposed not to do, as far as the human make-up is concerned. We receive revelation from here that the human senses can continually be sharpened and trained. It is possible to increase in your IQ, if you keep educating and training your senses rightly, from time to time. But, if we stop acquiring the Truth to acquire what is not the Truth, start losing the vital energies of life from our soul. We start dying and attracting all sorts of socio-economic problems into our human lives!

Therefore, here is one major determining factor, why some people are so poor in this world, whiles others are making it big all the time. Truly, we have very much seen the differences between the schooled and the unschooled in our world. Hence, God advice us through here that we should keep studying and it is important that we must study correctly. We are to become proper disciples (students) every time. We know that even God, according to the Bible, is not a God of religion but a God of Infinite Intelligence. That is why He is called The Word (meaning The Truth of Knowledge)! Because our God’s IQ is so sharp, that is why He does things always and always according to Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.

He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his understanding.

Jer. 51:15 DBT

I could perfectly understand from the above scripture that God actually learnt to acquire knowledge and wisdom before creating the entire universe.

As His children we are to be very enlightened as Him through His Word in order to acquire the same facts He received before creating Time and Space, and knew how life should be developed, so that we can also come above all earthly circumstances of life like Him. How could He have designed the universe and formed it in perfect order and wisdom? Hence, these things we see didn’t come by chance or by evolution, or by natural selection. They were designed and created His intelligence. God Almighty pondered over them and thought about them and made them all!

The Golden Fruit Buds: These Golden Fruit Buds are symbolic of the diverse human emotions.

Fruits-Diverse kinds of Emotions of every Man’s soul


The human emotions include the fruit of love, joy, hatred, envy, pride, gentleness, goodness, gentleness, selfishness, righteousness, merciful, etc. These fruits define what sort of people we are. So they are fruits or emotions which define our characters, behaviours, temperaments and personalities as well as well as how we see issues, individually.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Gal. 5:22-23 NIV.


The Spices for the Incense: The ingredients that were used for making Incense were called Spices. They included Gum Resin, Onycha, and Galbanum. When these 4 ingredients were burnt Incense smoke filled the whole Inner Court. Over here, these spices were to represent the skills and the talents inside the soul. It means that when one keeps receiving knowledge, He begins to be filled with skills as well (gas or smoke-fill from the burnt spices). His whole body becomes trained, while He trains himself physically, emotionally and spiritually to be more equipped for any work.

The Threshing Floor: The Space in between the Vessels and furniture sets of the Inner Court was called the Threshing Floor. But in real life, a threshing floor was a place where good seeds (+) were separated from bad ones (-). Hence, this was to perfectly give knowledge that man’s soul, specifically His mind, also has the ability to take in information (bread), analyze and judge between right (+) and wrong (-) information (e.g. thoughts). Thus, a person’s Choice and Decision could either be good (+) or bad (-) at the end of His judgments over a matter or an information he had received. That is why God reads our minds, to know our thoughts, decisions whether they are perfect toward Him, or other fellow men or not.

The Eyes and Artistic designs of Cherubs: Cherubs are creatures with eyes all over them. Thus the Eyes and the artistic designs of cherubs here reveal our minds eye that sees. These artistic designs on the other hand are to represent our imaginations. Our Imaginations as known are also images, (artistic) designs or pictures we constantly form with our minds (eye). Therefore our souls have the energy to reject and thresh out the bad information, before allowing the good information into its memory, that is, the heart (Most Holy Place), being the most important parts of our bodies.

The Flying Wings of Cherubs: The flying wings here were to indicate that thoughts are capable of flying into our heads (minds). You can just be there and an idea or a thought will just pop up or fly into your head. However, this may either be a good thought (+) or not (-), and so for a better progress of life, the bad ones must be threshed out.


The Most Holy Place-the Human Heart

The Most Holy Place describes the nature of our Spirits, which are the third and innermost part of our beings. Thus, those vessels and items in the Most Holy Place are symbolic representations of the certain important qualities found in our Spirits or Heart.

 The Ark of the Covenant– This stands for man’s heart, which is, where our Spirit sits in our bodies, and we where we make our final decisions, after accepting a thought into our minds and have gone further to judge it. Thus, here is the core place of our hidden motives and where we ponder down into the positive information we have allowed into our hearts or spirits.

The Two Tablets of Stone upon which the 10 Commandments were inscribed: Law is a symbol of Power, Force and Energy.  So this is to indicate that the human psyche is an energy and Power being. There is power or energy in the human soul and in the Spirit. This is the reason why the human Spirit, as well as the Soul by nature is made up of both Electromagnetic and Electromotive Energies. So we are all energy beings. Secondly, the LAW represents the laws of our hearts. Here, these tablets were used to describe the nature of man’s Spirit or heart as a book or as a tablet on which knowledge and also laws are inscribed, just after one has finished learning, listening to advice, to an instruction, to a teacher or to lecturer, or just after he had finished with deep meditations.

The Book of the Law: Of course, these laws also symbolize the laws forming the human inner or sub conscious mind, which is the part of the Spirit or heart. So they refer to our unique innermost principles and values which we keep, and is often a part of our temperaments. So, they form part of the human conscious mind.


Items placed in the Ark


The Pot of Manna: Here, this pot was further to describe man’s spirit or heart, which is like a pot which keeps knowledge. The manna in this pot was also a type of sweet bread. This installed knowledge inside you is the knowledge you bring out from your spirit (golden innermost pot) when you speak forth, especially to show your suggestions, ideas, interests, motives, reasons and understanding over a  matter, and so on. Yet, as manna was sweet, so God expects us all to be sweet from the heart, towards Him, and towards one another. We should not heap bitterness in the golden pots of our hearts towards each other, and towards Him.

 Aaron’s rod that budded: Aaron’s rod was the severed tree plant with green leaves upon it. The greens represent life given to the human spirit through the correct knowledge of life (Through God’s Word). But above all, this surge of life energies comes to the soul or Spirit, especially when one practically lives according to this correct knowledge of God (i.e. living according to all God’s Word’s (Logos or Rhema).

The Incense that filled the Most Holy Place: This incense in the Most Holy Place was to represent the thoughts or ponderings of our hearts. As is the nature of thoughts and imaginations to fill the whole mind, soul and heart, so that we are consumed in our thoughts, so does the whole Inner Court and Most Holy Place gets filled with smoke whenever the priests and the high priests also burnt incenses too,  in the Most Holy Place.

 The Image of Cherubs: These cherubs were known to have the looks of Man.  Eventually, this was to suggest that the spirit-man in you has the same looks as your outward physical appearance. Hence when we see you, we see how your Spirit also looks like. Man’s glory is therefore the same as the tabernacle. Thus, through His Tabernacle, we see God teaching us Human Psychology because He designed and created us by looking up to it. So Humans are as the same pattern as the universe, but this has not come into our minds.  According to the Lord, the reason why we are blacks and whites upon the surface of the earth was because He wanted to create a perfect balance in our human system.

It was like a negative (-) and positive (+) balance, to create the perfect balance among colours of the human, race. As it would not take one charge (e.g. Negative) to generate light and life, so it won’t take only one type of complexion to create our perfection in the whole, earth.

So, we must love God; we are actually supposed, to love, one another, and do ourselves, no harm, bringing, our sacrifices, to God-our Love.’


L-O-V-E IS THE KEY. (Thus, as brothers, if a man, does not, walk in love, He does not know, God(I John 4:8).



1 JOHN 4:8 NIV.


For years, God is expecting Peace on Earth.

Your Wife, is Your Sister, and Your Husband, too, is Thy Brother.

(Let us, come together and make a Joyful noise, to the Lord; worship, and praise Him, forever).

(Cherish the Whites, and as well, the Blacks)

So Give to the Needy, who’re like you; and to the Poor, who’re just like you.

For Love, is certainly, the Key to one another! Be like God, your Father!

I thought, this was one of the wisest things, God did.

Thus, we should know that, God had created us all in His Glory, both blacks or whites alike, for it was the very same tabernacle He had used to reveal to us, His glory. We are one with all things. From His own Glory, by love, God had created all men to be in His Glory.

Then God said, “Let US make man in our image, according to our likeness.

Gen. 1:53 HSCB


So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them

Gen. 1:27 NIV


Hence, its time for worship.

This is why it is a ‘MUST’ for all men to worship God.  The Lord by Himself could speak it better by saying;


I have bound myself with an oath. A word has gone out from my righteous mouth that will not be recalled, “Every knee will bow to me and every tongue will swear [allegiance].”

Isaiah 45:23 YLT


Then added, after ‘seeing’ the Maker of His Glory;

The poor will eat and be satisfied; those who seek the LORD will praise him– may your hearts live forever!

All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations. 

All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him– those who cannot keep themselves alive.

Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord.  They will proclaim his righteousness, declaring to a people yet unborn: He has done it!

The Father is our Glory because; ‘…as He is, so we are in this world Amen.

Finally, we are told that by one man, we all came, and filled the Earth.

From one man He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live.

Acts 17:26 CSB

To Him be the Glory, for making all things, anew.

With lots of love, and Praise from God.

To God be the Glory.


Prince Akogo

(Called, by the Anointing of God)

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The Realm Of The Spirit-How God Had Designed & Created The Realm Of The Spirit-Revealed

Note: The Information here was revealed to me by God through a Divine Encounter. You can read about it here.


The Realm Of The Spirit-How God Had Designed & Created The Realm Of The Spirit-Revealed


Peace from God and great love from the Throne-room of His Grace.

The Lord has spoken to me to enlighten us about the realm of the Spirit.

Now, from what I personally saw by open visions and also from teachings from the Lord’s book, there are two realms in the Realm of the Spirit-most of us know that by now.

There is a Spirit realm of darkness and there is a Spirit realm of Light.
(You can find out why there is Spirit Realm of Darkness in the post I wrote entitled, ” The Origin of Hell: Scientific reasons why Hell exists as a place of spiritual death and darkness,’ by clicking here. Now, the Lord had revealed to me that, between Heaven and Earth, is a Vacuum which is called, ”The Great Divide.” (He later made me see an open vision to see how the place looks like).

Realm of Great Divide


(This Realm of Great Divide was a Dark, opened vacuum: that was what I saw).

Moreover, between the Earth and Hell, there is also darkness and death.

Hence, our earth lies between God’s abode of Heaven and the Devil’s abode of Hell where Spiritual darkness is from, as well as its counterpart of spiritual death energies, which are able to annihilate positive energies of the human soul.

This means that you go to hell if you have spiritual darkness as the energies of your soul, since your soul can be made up of such energies-through negative deeds.

Unknown to us, the tabernacle of God (that is, the Tabernacle of Moses), gives us the whole geographical plan from God’s home of Heaven (His Heavenly Light where His Temple is), to Hell, which is the abode of eternal darkness-a place found below the nothingness-realm of our universe.

See explanations of this below:


The Tabernacle Pattern in Picture

The three divided realms: Heaven (fine conditions), Hell (worse conditions) and then the third place is Earth (which is a balanced condition of the two due to our joys and sorrows).

As you see, it is just the same as the 3-dimensions of the Tabernacle.

The Pattern of the Realm of the Spirit

So, you can see that the Lord is above the Earth (that is, the Universe), looking down upon us all: Our earth is in the middle-section, and hell with its fires are below the earth-yet, in the realm of the Spirit. However, even before hell comes, we see the water bodies below our earth, which are all part of our cosmos.

However, the number 12 in the Inner Court (where the Earth is), indicates how the earth-realm is filled with our kingdoms. For example, the kingdom of man, plants, animals, water resource, etc. So, this is where we are. 

In other words, the earth which we stand on is actually found between the two opposing or opposite realms; yet God rules above them all!

This immediately indicates that God had used the tabernacle pattern, which we also see that it is the Tabernacle of His Glory (or that unveils the pattern of His Glory) to design the 3 positions of the realms-which are from heaven to down to hell. 

He did this according to His own glory so that He can rule over Heaven, Hell and Earth, with everything that exists within and between them. 

It reveals to us how God is the Owner of everything, which He did by this intelligent design. So, they did not come by Chance, as some men assume. In short, in the spirit-realm is the Heavenly realm as well as the Hellish realm. However, in-between those two directly opposite realms, is the Earth-realm, where we are.

Moreover, it is where the Great divide is; it is as though the Earth is what serves right there as the Great Divide, between those 2 opposing realms. Hence, we also know that because of the situations at hand, we have to choose to belong to one of those 2 opposing realms, either Heaven (+) above, or Hell below (-).

To God, it’s a choice we all humans have to make, due to the Adamic sin. Yes-at the end, one of such places will become our ‘eternal’ destination.

However, God who created man, wouldn’t want man to choose Hell. He wants to dwell with man in His Heavens, where all the conditions are perfect!

Inevitably, or whether we like it or not, one of such places will become our eternal destination, after we go through the processes of God’s judgment. Thus, we have to put that into thorough consideration, because this earth a temporary abode and we will not live here forever!

However, I would admonish you to choose Heaven-which is better. We were told by God that, going to Heaven comes by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Saviour, since they are the owners of the Universe. Once you do that, you’re to live according to His Will and practice everything that God tells you to make Him become sure that you believe; it’s just not enough to confess and to mention His name, but you must do His will, for Him to believe and trust in you!

Thus, if you’re of God or you belong to Christ, your soul which is of a gaseous nature (or like a spiritual nature), goes to where God lives, or it travels to where God is, which is above!

On the contrary, if you are not of God, that is, not born again, your soul will go down. It will travel down through the tunnel of the emptiness of nothingness.  It’s a hollow vacuum of darkness of death which leads a man’s soul to the abode of Hell, where Satan and His cohorts are located.

Hell was the place they were sent to when God had brought them down from Heaven which was as a result of their disobedience. Similarly, according to God, when men disobey Him, they will also find their way there. Therefore, we must realize that the Realm of the Spirit is a fact; it exists. It’s more alive than we may think.

Our God and Creator is above in that realm.

As a Master, He always looks down at us; He knows those who are His and those who have soon forgotten about His deeds and His will.

So then, as presidents are seen to be on top of their nations so this God of love, is seen on top of His creations. For this reason, this Master is called, the Universal Ruler or the Sovereign Ruler by all.  In the same way, as manufacturers have patented rights over their creations, so God has patented rights over everything on earth, including us. 

Due to that, He has set a Day to judge men and all of His creations, to determine their total performances after death and to determine their eternal placement, whether they’ll spend it in Heaven or will spend it with the Snake, called the Devil! 

However, today, we know that Heaven, the Earth and Hell are all located in a great Spiritual Vacuum. However, unknown to us, this spiritual vacuum is in a 3-dimensional pattern, formed or made according to God’s 3-dimensional Glory, which were further represented by the 3-dimensional Tabernacle given to Moses.

To God be the Glory. He is the God who is answerable to no man because of His patented rights over all His creations.


Prince Akogo

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God’s Universal Concept Of Love

God’s concept or motive for forming the universe is based upon love.

If you will notice, all elements of this great universe and even of the ecosystem (which we will find out later) is based upon a specific or just one specific design, which was to create one harmony among all the elements of this creation, together with the Autor of Creation whose nature is also based upon the same ‘Grand Design’ of life.

Thus, the entire universe, the earth (the globe), and all the elements of the Ecosystem (an ecosystem comprising of the human kingdom, the plant kingdom, the water kingdom, and any other), all appear as one and so are all so related or connected together through that one design of life, while each one is playing an important unique role in support of the development of all the others, and in the process, reflecting the concept of ‘‘love.’’

This indicates that, our oneness or togetherness which helps with our ability to work together, is what will ensure love, peace and total progress in the ecosystem. In other words, peace, which is only developed by love is the most important virtue our world ever needs to have for a perfectly working universe which we all need to have.

This concept means that, we cannot and must not allow anything nor anyone around us to perish or be destroyed if we each need to survive, because it is not a one-man affair. (No man should be an island and there must not be any form of description or segregations, lest we indirectly defeat our own selves, in the process).

So then, this is why the Lord is saying that the universe He had created can better grow or can properly function through love-that is, the mutual bond that must exist between all the elements around us, within the entire scope of the universe.

Equally, this should lead to the respect of each other and the respect of each other’s works, not forgetting the roles our Father (God who is our Source) is also playing in our total existence. So then, while the universe was created by the principles of love, it was fully created to be walked in by a human creation, whose hearts should be full of love to help with the peace and total progress of the ecosystem within this great and beautiful universe. It is based on a mutual acceptance alone, that the general ecosystem will be preserved and the Source, who strategically sees Himself as the God of Love will become happy with all of us: for only then, will we be acting out of understanding we will be full of practical wisdom.

This is not a world for seeking supremacy. This is not a world made for unwholesome competitions or conflicts, as though God had preferred one person better than the other.

Those feeble and evil mindsets are from un-repenting us.

What is ‘‘Survival of the Fittest?’’ Not at all-it was not made for the man who thinks he’s stronger to oppress and rule. If it was what God was seeking for, God or let’s say, the Universe, would have endowed other people more than you. Those you oppress today, would have been empowered naturally better than you. Hence, with our naturally endowed strengths which we accepted through Grace (based on a divine unmerited favour), we come out fully out of our hearts to give or supply the strengths others need and they deem it to supply the strengths we also need, in the areas or sectors they have more through the same divine grace.

This is why in creation, everybody has strengths and weaknesses-so that we can respect, first, who others are by natural endowment, plus what others bring on the table, while they will equally do the same towards us for joy, love and unity to constantly prevail amongst us. It means, those who have, must always be there to support those who don’t have; and in their turn, when they should equally have, they must consider those who don’t have and live by them. Then our world will keep on growing through the mutual and formidable support which every entity is looking forward to giving.

This is how we respect the universe, we respect and bind with the entities of other kingdoms, and with the principles of the Maker, at large.

When we become divided and self-centered, we live in a devastating mode and the world will become in-secured for all of us who have been made a part of this ecosystem, to join in the support systems.

(So God And The Universe (The Universe), Hates Greedy And Selfish Hearts).

In short, the universe wasn’t made for selfish, headstrong or wicked men; It was dressed for love nurtures; for all Good People.

It was designed for entities that will respect other entities in the ecosystem, complexions that will respect and genuinely love other complexions, tribes that will respect other tribes, societies which will love and respect other societies and kingdoms which will love and respect other non-living or living kingdoms, coming out of our hearts for the mutual benefit of all, needed to make this universe become very happy with itself and progress, for the advancement of all!

In summary, let’s consider how we behave, and talk to others.

God Bless You.

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A Reason Why We Are Here: And Why God Had Divided This Earth Into Continents 

A Reason Why We Are Here: And Why God Had Divided This Earth Into Continents 


Now, the Bible emphatically tells us (and was equally confirmed by the Spirit) that, during the Time of Peleg, the Earth was divided by God and all the inhabitants on it, were scattered!

This was stated right here:


Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the Earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan. Joktan was the father of

Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, 28 Obal, Abimael, Sheba, 29 Ophir, Havilah and Jobab.

All these were sons of Joktan.

The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country.

 These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

 These are the clans of Noah’s sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the NATIONS spread Out over the earth after the flood.

Gen. 10:21-32 NIV


Hence, from one nation they were divided and separated by GOD-The Creator.

So, before the Earth’s division into Continents, the Land (The Earth) was then one piece, without any major divisions upon it. This was to mean that God intended the whole world (us) to dwell together while the reason for our dwelling together was to be in one fellowship to always find Him and bring Him Glory, in each of the days of our lives upon the Earth.

Yes, you can see that here:


The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of Heaven and Earth and does not live in temples made by human hands, nor is He served by hands of men as needing anything, Himself giving to all LIFE and breath and everything.

(He made from ONE BLOOD every nation of men to dwell on all the surface of the earth, having determined appointed seasons, and the boundaries of their dwellings).

.Acts 17:24


From one man He made every nation of men, to inhabit the whole earth; and He determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands.

God intended that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us

(Acts 17: 24: 26 BSB)


‘For in him we live, and move, and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.'(Acts 17:27 NHEB)


The KJB 2000 Bible, speaks of the end of this Chapter, this way,


…That they SHOULD SEEK THE LORD, if perhaps they might FEEL AFTER HIM, and find Him, though He be not far from every one of us

Therefore, being OFFSPRINGS of God, we should not think that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by man’s skill and imagination.

Acts 17: 28 BSB.


But it had gotten to the era, when all the human beings, who were then dwelling on the earth, had taken their eyes off God (Him), and then started to do their own things and were not worshiping Him as their Origin; this became A Big Sin Before God!

And so though they had been dwelling together and were then building for themselves sky –scrapper cities, with His economic resources towards Heaven, their main focus was not eventually on the sacrifice, worship, or service to their God; it was then for gaining fame for themselves, and then to magnify the things they had made with their hands, that is with their human technologies.

Yet, did He not create man to be in His Glory, as a three-dimensional being, to bring Him Glory?

Yet, He was not receiving it; and so, the ‘Purposes’ of He creating man, and building him a boat of resources, was not forthcoming!

What had God done?

God then brought a separation between the human beings whom He had created upon the earth, and put different languages in their mouths and hearts, so that they would stop knowing or, understanding each other very well, to actualize their misguided purposes. Unity in the wrong purposes, will still bring death!

So then, God was actually saving them, and did them a favour; for, the worst thing a man should do is not to walk in his purposes.

(This was how come the World, from this particular day onwards, became full of so many languages or diverse communications.

Of course, we know, that other new languages developed along the way; however, that was how it had happened at first).


The Globe

The Land-form under God’s Divide


So then, the act brought these major divisions on the earth at a time when the man we call Peleg, was born.

That was how come the Earth actually got divided into all the larger landmasses which we see as Continents today, which we still see under God or Creator’s major care and control!

Currently,  The Grave Social and Economic Situations Facing Our World Today Shows That, We Might Have Lost Our Human Purposes, at least, in the way God might have wished we carried them out.


The Formation of Global Oceans, the Ocean Currents as well as Winds which blows around the globe

Now, it is understandable that after the divide, the waters which were surrounding the Earth moved through the huge crevices of the divided lands we call Continents, to form their various Oceans, as well as their major Lakes, Seas, and Rivers, which we see now (see image below).

Of course, if the Earth was then divided what were the waters supposed to do, than to move up the whole ‘place’ and fill the crevices that had been created by the separations of landmasses? 

So, these effects had gotten the waters to move around the earth and formed their OCEANS around us- Our Lands, Called The Continents, In That Day, When God Had Divided Our Earth!


Waters around our divided economies, In blue


Now, after all, if the earth which He’d formed as a tabernacle belongs to Him, He is also able to divide it into many sections or parts as He wished, especially, when the men on earth were not worshiping Him nor were even seeking for Him as the One who had given them their lives and the things they were to enjoy.


The Winds and Ocean Currents

In addition, the movements of these water bodies after the Earth got divided, will likewise also determine the movements of all the Major Water bodies (The Ocean Currents), and the Winds which also blow across them and the land-forms as well!

Yes of course, don’t you also think so, that the Lord of the economies, knows about all the winds that blow across the Earth too? Yes, He does: He had spoken of them to His servant Job. In the Bible, when God was speaking with Job, He spoke about the Eastern Winds, the Northern Winds, the Western, and the Southern Winds.

Now, as a result of His Divisions we also have (Apart From Continents)

The Arctic Ocean

The Antarctic Ocean

The Pacific Ocean,

The Indian Ocean

And then, the Southern Ocean

Yet, these were names we have given to the works of His Hands or The Works Of His Imaginations.

Nevertheless, God Has His Patent Right On All Of These Things, Which We Have Now Revealed, By The Revelations Of His Tabernacle!

He’s Shown Us About His Model!

Likewise, about the Continents (which is God’s Land Divisions ), we also have:

The North American Continent

The South American Continent





And the Antartica

-7 Continents in total, in which also we gave the names too.

Moreover, some of the Winds which we realized had been formed upon the lands and upon the waters after the division, are today seen as:

The Anabatic winds. Katabatic Winds, Sea Breezes, Land breezes, The Bise, The Bora, The Chinook Wind, The Crachin, etc.

These too has been by our naming, after He had wrought the work.

The Ocean Currents by His Hands include:

The South Atlantic Current,

The North Atlantic Current,

The California Current,

East Korean Current,

The Guinea Current,

The Somali Current, and many

We Thank God For Giving Us All These, In The Tabernacled Earth (Economy)!


God’s Human Placements

Moreover, if God had created and had divided the earth, then He has obvious knowledge of where He put us all. He has knowledge of where He put each of the Continents-each of their Oceans, each of their Winds, and, the Ocean Currents blowing across each of the parts of the Earth He’d created.

Definitely, this God, who had created them knows where all the rivers and all the lakes are by plan!

Moreover, if God separated the Earth then He knows which people dwell, and or had dwelt on which Continent!

He obviously knows where the African man is! He knows where the African man or black man is because He is Lord.

He knows where the European man is: He has not His eyes closed. He knows where the European man is; where he belongs there, in that part of His Economic Tabernacle!

O yeah: obviously He knows where the American man is, and where he belongs in this part of the whole world-which moves in His hands.

Therefore, since God created us, He knows by The Design Of  The Tabernacle, Where All Things Are! What about the Asians?

He knows where the Asians are; He knows where they are located, in His Hands!

Certainly, A God Like Who Formed The Plains, Knows It All!

O, what about the Australians? He obviously knows their whereabouts. He knows where the Americans in the South are, for they’re His children; He also knows where their whereabouts are! So, we are brothers and sisters but we sin so much against ourselves as though we have not been created to live together, but on separated lands, or parts of the earth.


(For) (He made from ONE BLOOD every nation (whether blacks or whites or any other) of men to dwell on all the surface of the earth, having determined appointed seasons, and the BOUNDARIES of their Dwellings (The Continents).

Acts 17:24


Proudly, the BS Bible puts it this way:


‘For in Him we Live, and Move, and Have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’

(Acts 17:27 NHEB)


Surely, it tells us that God actually knows everyone and everywhere we are; where all each of His people as nations are located right now, and where each man is also located or finds himself in the whole economy right now. He knows where we’re in our homes right now or this instant!

God, who has directed the concrete structure of this earth and the heavens, will not sleep nor slumber because of His people.

God knows it when you do not have money in this whole economy and knows it when you also have money. He knows what is in your coffers, He sees what is in your coffers, and He knows He can bless you with the substances that He’s created!



Nonetheless, despite the fact that the Earth has been divided into ‘Huge Crevices’ it does not mean that the Earth has lost its 3-dimensional structure or the pattern God had given it-The Pattern Which Also Reveals His 3-Dimensional Glory!


But as truly as I live, all the Earth shall be filled with the GLORY of the LORD.

 Num. 14:21 JB200


Come let us bring Glory To God for the things He’s done by Grace.

Let everything in us-the skies, the seas, the drylands, the moons, and everything we eat bless His Holy Name!

All men should lift their hearts and heads in the worship of the Maker who’d measured and had positioned the economic resources so that we can trade, do business and enjoy!

The Lord created us as His sheep over His pasture:


O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD Our Maker (Psalm 95:6 KJB)

 For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture (His created economic resources) and the sheep of His hand.

 (Psalm 9:6 JB2000)


Come Let Us Praise The Maker Of Our Lives!

Prince Akogo

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The Evidence of God’s Involvement In The Creation Of The Universe

The Evidence of God’s Involvement In The Creation Of The Universe

If the universe is a ‘system,’ then the universe will have an intelligent ‘designer’ (from the soulish realm-where intelligence is coded). Hence, there might be a soulish being of the Soulish realm knowing something about the universe.

We cannot depend on mere physical energies like a physical Big Bang energy creating the souls and spirits of men and animals-of which physical energies can’t create.

It is well noted that the Universe is made up of three (3) complete component types of materials or energies, not one. We have soulish force (the Soul), physical forces, and spiritual force (Your Spirit). So why has the Big Bang not given credit to the development of spiritual and soulish forces of this life, which are a part of the universe, and can’t be taken out of the equation? We do have a soul and a spirit, don’t we? As well as each of these animals circulating around!

Did Darwin have a soul and spirit for thinking? Absolutely he did, or he would not also would have had a conscience to think. He should have had explanations to how the Big Bang energy created these invisible properties of his body, called the Soul and the Spirit, by which he became complete. Unless He would tell us, that the Big Bang or these physical energies before time had spiritual and soulish components or properties in them too to create these souls and spirits of men and animals. Absolutely, Darwin’s theories, had some lapses. Indeed, the involvement of the Soul and the Spirit should be proven by that form of assumed Energy.

So, by logic, we are saying that, unless the Big Bang energy has soul-like and spirit-like properties in it which can create the soulish and spiritual energies of such creatures such as men and animals, who are also very importantly part of the universe, it cannot create the Universe and the creatures in the 3-dimensional forms or qualities, they have.

Then also, if that form of Energy or Power, brought about these invisible qualities of a soul and a spirit too, then it should have inherently carried these important soulish components, such as desire, emotions, behaviour, thoughts and will; and spiritual intelligence such as conscience and purpose, as well as motives, which are also found in man, as well as in animals; ( in fact such behaviours are also seen in other elements of the universe too; like plants).

Thus, this should mean that, if the factor of a soul and should come in, even by Darwin’s Evolutionary and Big Bang Theories, then there will certainly be a God-factor or the divine being in it, because of the Soul Involved (where Intelligent designs are coded), and as well as the Spirit, which would be involved, where Conscience (Systematic Arrangement of Refined Laws), Decisions and Motives or Purpose are fully created. These must be possessed by a Living Being, with Capable Intelligence, and with Components, and to even go around or move. With Laws in place, an Intelligent Working Design, and with also, a motive in place, an Intelligent Working Universe can be created, by the energies of a 3-dimensional Design Power, that could only exist, not a presumed power that has none of these  components.

Of a truth, most scientists have not realized this, that the constituents of the universe are not just made up of only physical energies and components, but as well as psychical energies of the Soul and the Spirit, which are also importantly part of the universe. After all Psychologists, who’re also a part of the scientific body, have also told us of that as well. So, this should be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Hence, whatever energy created the universe must of necessity have soulish and spiritual energies or properties as well, because we see these in many creatures on earth (at least, you and I possess one: do we all not?)

Secondly, I believe that when you die, the world that your spirit or soul goes to is rather much more powerful. Your life is in your spirit, because when your spirit leaves your body; the body profits nothing. Certainly, we leave it here, then the Soul and the Spirit vanishes. In order words, the body couldn’t have moved, if the soul as well as the Spirit of the man, is not in you (your body).

Thus, in your soul is your life, which holds your body to live on earth. When your soul departs from your body into the Spirit realm your body cannot live.

Therefore, Life started there in the soulish or Spirit realm. And that is what we is saying that there is a God there, the hidden God who has now revealed Himself to us, an Intelligent Designer in the Spirit or soulish realm, who has supernatural energies to create the universe as well.


The kind of nature that Form of Energy that Created the Universe must qualify to have.

This then means that that beginning energy or power which had created the Universe should be a three-dimensional entity, having a spiritual energy body or component, soulish energy or component, and a spiritual energy body or component, as long as these components  exists with us today,  to give them the reason why they all should live today.

So, in short, that form of Energy or Power, since it has physical energies, soulish energies, and spiritual energies, should be a living entity, in whose glory or form, men and beasts and all other elements have taken their 3-dimensional nature or qualities, that is, in whose form we’ve all been modelled out of to have the same properties to form our lives (not only the physical aspects.)

In order words, it would not just be a mere physical Power or Energy, since it as well creates some component souls and spirits!

That Power would therefore fall in the class of an Intelligent POWER, because of its Soul, whom we will first call our ‘glory’, that is, (the glory of a 3-dimensional Energy-Body), through which we have all been created to have these specific qualities: and this Intelligent Creator, which has all these 3 forms of energies, is what we are going to call, our God.

However, we fully know of a God-who is an Intelligent Power-who created both the souls of men and the spirits of men, as well as all physical energies, just as Himself and said He did it according to His own glory, as far as the book of creation, is concerned and as far as many of His posts here are concerned.

In fact, here is why, the Bible also calls Him, the Father of Our spirits, according to Heb. 12:9 (NLT), as spoken by Paul-God’s Apostle. It says;


”…Shouldn’t we submit even more to the discipline of the FATHER (Source) of Our Spirits and live…?”


And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a LIVING SOUL (component souls).

Gen. 2:7 KJ 2000B


In view of how we took His shape (component parts), the Book of Creationism says;

So GOD created mankind in His own image (in His Component Parts or Glory); in his own image God created them; he created them male and female.

Gen. 1:27 ISV


In the following scriptures above, we are told God created the Soul of Man. This was after He had created the Earth (a physical-energy-component) and had moulded man from the dust of the ground. Then we were also told here that, He created our spirits-to become the Father of our spirits, a title which means, The Origin or Source of our spirits, as well. We see all these 3 forms of energies to form humans, animals, as well as other important creatures part of the systematic universe.

So, you can see it clear in your hands.

In addition, apart from the Big Bang Energy, but in respect of Evolution, when have we all ever beheld in life, a monkey-also with these 3 parts-body, soul and spirit) metamorphosing into an advanced specie of a man-when like its senior father the Big Bang, has no soulish or spiritual powers to make those components we need? Seriously, has a tree ever turned into a dog, ever? So, what we see in the larvae is only a growth process which all other creations uniquely go through as far as the theory of Uniqueness, is of great concern.


The Esoteric Meaning of the Word or Title ‘God.’

I was surprised when the Lord explained to me, the meaning of ‘God.’ Do you know the meaning of God? The word is actually a title which means ‘an Energy or Power or Force. ‘ In other words, He’s actually-and thus, metaphorically-‘This Big Bang Energy,’ they’re talking about, with a 3 (three) dimensional nature-or a body, a soul, and spiritual energies, which has the power to create those  inclusive components, of the universe.

Thus, ‘God’ being that Intelligent Power, created us in His own Image (Glory); according to His own Likeness; indeed, male and female He had created us all! This is because we will definitely take His form or Glory-as we explained above.

Not only is God the Great Father, but also, a God who has these 3-dimensional qualities by nature, and we have been told that we all, the plants, animals, men, the globe, the geographical earth, as well as the universe have all been created according to the Father’s three-dimensional glory, that is according to these, soulish, physical and spiritual components or qualities. Remember, He’s a God with reason and intelligence, and so made us to bear living souls, like Himself!


And the LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a LIVING SOUL.

Gen. 2:7 KJ 2000B

So God(A Supernatural Power Entity) created man in his own image (Glory); in his own image God created them; he created them male and female.

Gen. 1:27


(In many posts here, the Lord, showed me how He had designed and created the Universe, with everything in it, according to His Glory (that is, according to His Image and Likeness). These revelations had come out of divine encounters, when He caused my soul to understand.

Not only that, but He has also revealed a detailed master plan of His glory (His Image and Likeness) through the pattern of a 3-dimensional tabernacle, which He gave to Moses, through which He had created all these living and non-living things, as well.

These are the new Mysteries God has brought out of His bag, out of His golden book of divine knowledge.

(Note that, the fact that there is so much suffering in the world doesn’t indicate that God does not exist). I think we are surely not ignorant anymore. Much has been told us about how human suffering came about, which we saw that it has never been an act of His doing. However, the reason why men are suffering is because of men’s absolute lack of understanding.

Its based on our mere ignorance.

Thus, let’s be honoured and feel appreciated that we have in the Glory of the Father. (I also explained how God also came out into life here. Check it out here.

Thus, in view of this, we are to be convinced, that God created the Universe, not by some some human wishful theories, where there are absolute limitations, called either Evolution or Big Bang, yet, where the soul and the spirit components of the one who brought the theory, Darwin silently and perfectly bears witness, that there is this Intelligent Power, we all belong to.

Thus, Everything Was Based On Creationism And On The Powers Of God, Including The Life Of Our Souls, Even From Day One-Not On Evolution Nor On A Wishful Big Bang.


God Bless You.

Prince Akogo.


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Who Owns The Tabernacle? God Reveals The Glory Of His Son Through The Tabernacle

Who Owns The Tabernacle? God Reveals The Glory Of His Son Through The Tabernacle


At one point, when Jesus was asked to perform a miracle, He said, ‘He’ll destroy ‘this temple, and raise it up in 3 days,’ referring His body. Meaning that, He recognizes that, He was a Temple.

And now, Jesus is a temple.


Jesus, answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”

They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?”

But the temple he had spoken of was his body.

John 2:19


Moreover, just after God had brought the Jews out of Egypt, into the wilderness, in one of those days He instructed the Jews to settle around His tabernacle; so that three (3) tribes, would be on each side of the tabernacle (picture below). A lot of surprising features turned up about this tabernacle if you study the Bible through God’s lens. It’s the kind of revelations that blows the human mind.



God was with them


Amazingly, a powerful image which later occurred in human history was obvious in the design formed by these people and His tabernacle or the Model of life.


 The Emblem of the Cross 



Incredibly, the design forms a man (a 3-dimensional image or tabernacle) hanging in the middle of the cross in the same desert (see picture above).

So then, as the generations of the Jews came to pass, God who hid Himself in Jesus died on a cross for the whole world and the Jews as well, outside the camp of the Jews in a desert land, to fulfill His prophetic imagery. According to the Spirit, He died, and was buried, and after 3 days, God being the temple resurrected.

That was why Jesus said He was the temple of life, to be resurrected after 3 days.

Indeed, God (through Jesus) went there for all of us (for the whole world). He carried our sins and sorrows to the clutches of death, to replace us. What happened? He was taken captive on our behalf so that we might not taste death, and the penalties of darkness.

He who created the world’s was the same who died for us; He did this, hat we might be free from this clutches of the devil, from the powers of negative energies (our human stubbornness) and from the devil’s consistent dominion over us, and all economic situations upon earth.

After 3 days, His suffering on our behalf was over. He had paid the price in full. Then He resurrected from both spiritual and physical death, redeeming us (the world, both Jews and Gentiles) along with Him. Praise Him forever. God had carried our crosses though He was the one who built the furthest heavens (Universe).

On what He did for each one of us, He meant to say that when He suffered, we all suffered with Him, when He died we all died together with Him, when He paid the price, we all paid our prices in Him, and when He had resurrected back into Glory, we also spiritually resurrected into our initial Glory with Him, a Glory before the Universe was made. There is absolutely no condemnation to anyone in this world, except for us who are not open to believe in the work of God’s cross and openly or secretly reject His offer. After, sacrificing Himself on the Altar of the cross, in the glare view of about 40 men, He ascended on high, going beyond this Universe to pre-occupy Heaven’s throne of Grace, of favour and of Mercy, which now we have all become beneficiaries of, if we seriously repent to accept the Call from Him.

Through prayer, He would seek to destroy the effects of the old Sin nature upon our lives including physical death, poverty and every known addiction right through the Holy Spirit of Promise. As a result we also, who formerly were sinners, have today been occupied by His glorious Spirit! Amen! Hence, through this good deed of God, (The Good News), our relationship with God has been restored.

He rescued our souls and established a new Covenant with us, and He signed and stamped the Covenant with His Godly Blood-the blood, which also, He had revealed on Jupiter! We are to be reasoning together with Him again, as we had with Him in Adam, before the Powers of Sin and Death took over our heart to heart relationship with Him. So we all need to return back to Him because the price for our complete redemption has been paid and an open Door (the tearing of the Veil of the Most Holy Place) to His throne room has also been widely open unto us, yet for a season, until the time of final judgment.

In that day, a new Heaven and a new Earth would be created according God’s idea, with that same Tabernacle Model. Of a truth, He who has the Power and the Model shall do it again! But no drunkard, gambler, sexual immoral, fornicator, fraudster, sexually perverse, stingy person, wicked-minded person, insolent person, idol worshiper, disobedient child, prostitute, unbeliever, slander, abusive, incorrigible person, truce breaker, robber, cruel or corrupt judge, pretender, carnal person, religious person, unclean, unrighteous, un-churched, adulterer, thief, drug addict and many who break all what God calls Sin (bad and negative energies) would be allowed a second chance to go there to pollute that universe and that Earth again.

If not they shall pollute God’s new coming Universe with the same character, mindset and bad hearts. Hence, I do not bother myself too much about my estate here, but I would certainly bother about my state and estate there, which according to Him, is a final and an everlasting universe He would create for mankind; and He Himself will be there to celebrate with us our victories for being simply obedient and making it there. Hence, as many as want can justify their inclusion by believing in on Him, and utterly accepting His salvation works, His redeeming Price (being the Blood), and using it to pay for their soul’s price, out of the Devils spiritual store and Sin’s clutches, before it’s too late to save themselves.

For there are too many who are in the Devil’s camp (hell) forever, just for not paying for their sins, because they did not believe nor took Him seriously at His simple truth and price paying works. They were people who only took the universe, and thought only of how to enjoy it, and make fun of it here, every day because they believed it was created by Chance.

As for the heavens you see now, and the platform you sit on it shall be destroyed utterly with fire, because He is the God of fire, and so plays with fire at all times. According to Him He would destroy world with the sinners thereof upon it, because by then He shall show mercy no more, and every secret hidden in the heart shall be opened like a book, to the glare view of all. These are simply the Bible’s messages written with God’s own pen.

It has been more than 2000 years, and people still don’t believe. Oh no! They die and go to hell to pay eternally for the price which had already been paid in full on their behalf, by the God and Maker of this universe, which He had filled with His Glory. Hence, it is the heinous plan of the Devil to blind, kill, steal and destroy as many human being of every generation before they get to know what had gone on 2000 years ago on their behalf. Yet, the price was pre-paid before we stepped into the Universe. God wanting us to re-enjoy Eden (Paradise) paid the price before we were born on Earth, we do not need to endure any longer when we are born on the Earth, which He had created with His model for us to enjoy.


Our Heaven’s responded to His Sorrow




 Merciless Beatings to Death


God hiding as Jesus hanged on the cross for the Whole World; the  same image was for shadowed in the wilderness, thousands of years before He came. Secondly, it is really of great surprise that in the day that God died for mankind, both blood and water came out from His body (being the Outer Court of His body), signifying that He was the same Tabernacle from Heaven, which Moses was given a view of. He was the same Spirit Moses saw as the fire God. But He came not with fire, but humbly, putting on a human flesh. The Bible stated that:

Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood (blood on Alter of Sacrifice) and water (water of brazen laver).

John 19:34 NIV

Water and Blood gushed out from God’s Outer Court, that is, His body. Therefore, if He was the model Moses saw in Heaven, then God Himself, though a Spirit is a 3 dimensional being, having a Celestial Body, a Soul and Spirit (heart), since humans were also designed according to His Glory, which the structure of the tabernacle!


So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Gen 1:27 NIV

He said to these Apostles that He was both God and also Man, who lived beyond the dark matter of the universe or ‘Earth.’The name Heaven, mean fine matter or purity (+), while ‘Earth’ mean coarse matter or impurity (-). However, the balance of these two (+) and (-) realms fully combine to form the whole Kingdom of God from Heaven down to Earth, where we are. He created them both together because His kingdom would be perfect through the balance of two charges, Heaven (+) and Earth (-), and not through one charge. God could not have created Heaven without creating Earth or vice versa. The two should come together simultaneously, to balance each other, in order to create the right measurements, needed for perfect life and light generation.

He is the Design and Grand Designer

This also means He was the same secret Tabernacle through which the universe, the planets, mankind and every other thing on earth and in the heavens have had their life! This is a great mystery.  No wonder God spoke through his servant David again, saying.

The heavens (universe) declare the glory (tabernacle model) of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, night to night reveals knowledge.

Psalm 19:1:1-2 The Gid.

Apart from the Apostle Paul who revealed that God was the Tabernacle, Apostle John also said it was through God that all things were made, both visible and invisible.

 Through him (who is the living Tabernacle) all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.

John 1:1-4 NIV

I think this was why the Jews and so many people don’t think Jesus is God. People were expecting to see God in a glorious manner than how He came to the Earth. Was He not just coming to pay and be beaten for sins He did not commit and to restore all of us back? Was it necessary for Him to come in a 3 piece suit, or to come in a tuxedo? This tabernacle truly reveals that we were created according God’s image and likeness (His Glory) because He was the same Tabernacle in Moses’ day. He Himself is both the Design (the Model) and the Designer of the Universe.


And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”

Hence, for me, we are almost there in safety mode.  No more in search of Grand Designs or Grand Theories, who we are, where are we from, how life was designed, or whether life came by the Big Bang or Chance. Rather, these can be the questions:

  1. Who is this kind of God who comes in slowly and then vanishes away?
  2. Why is He often hiding Himself?
  3. Why did He decide to create Time and we with His Glory, the Tabernacle?
  4. Who was He before Time began?
  5. And why does He seek to save us so much from the Power of Sin and Death?

I am well convinced that the answers can still be acquired from this same ‘primitive’ resourceful material, ‘the Bible.’ It is where we’ve come to discover amazing modern feats on ‘Science, Religion, Astronomy, Astrology, Geology, Psychology, Philosophy, and pure History on the Universe.’ As though that was enough, we would be learning God’s knowledge on world Geography and Economics. I believe that, God will also be willingly to give us greater understanding of these mysteries according to His own love, which He demonstrated, by pondering over us deeply, and making us to be the highest of all of His creations.

Prince Akogo


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