Saturday, July 27, 2024


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After my first encounter with God I decided to put myself into prayer to understand the calling that God had called me into. I then decided to put myself into an 8 hr dry prayer and fasting period. So, on one of the days I located a Prayer Ground near the Achimota forest and put myself into an 8-hour non-stop fasting and prayers.

Now, while on my 6th hour of prayer, something dramatic happened. (By that time I was very tired and was thirsty, from the very long prayers.) While with my prayer staff, suddenly, I saw that the heavens opened onto me. I could see it in the clouds.

But this wasn’t a dream. It was a vision yet my eyes were never closed. The Spirit of God, who was in me could make me see it without making my eyes closed-An Open Vision.

So what did I see after that?

It was something like a giant golden key coming down from Heaven-I saw a Giant golden key coming down from this opened heavens. I saw it coming down slowly and slowly, and slowly,-through the clouds and through the thin air and atmosphere.

I noticed it was coming down straight at me, so I stretched my arms and then opened my hands and the key which God was giving me from heaven fell into my hands. This key went straight into my palm.

Then immediately after that event, I heard the voice of the Lord saying to me, ‘Anything you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven and anything you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’

He added and said, ‘With this key, you can open any door in heaven; yes, you can open any door of the Kingdom.’

Yeah, I was so happy and I was so glad that God had told me that, I could open his doors and close his doors-absolutely any door that I wanted! ’ That was an unstoppable grace for me.

On that beautiful day, my prayers were more than answered; they were not in vain.

Then, when the voice had finished speaking and the drama was all over, I found a seat made with wood in the corner of the camp. It was a seat made for people to sit down in this camp to assist them in the course of prayer.

When I thought all of this was over, another dramatic experience happened. This time, it happened when I was finally seated down to take a rest.

In what was like another powerful opened vision, I saw the heavens open again or for the second time. In this second one, I saw Jesus. I could remember this experience even till today.

He was in the heavens, shining gloriously.

I noticed that by His side was a Giant Golden Throne.

It was beautiful indeed. It was very precious.

Yet, I saw something else: in Jesus’ hands, was a Large Crown.

It was also very beautiful and looked golden.  This crown was decorated with precious ornaments and minerals. It was so great.

Then I heard the Lord saying onto me, ‘These are your crown and throne meant for you in heaven.’

Then I saw Jesus Christ putting the crown upon me. Then He said, ‘If you overcome I will give you this crown and your throne by my side.’


So here I was:

  1. God (The father Himself) had given me His Golden Book of His Secrets and Mysteries-which He took out of Himself-in that encounter I met the Father.
  2. Besides all that, Jesus Christ had shown me ‘My Golden Crown and My Golden Seat’ which I was supposed to overcome and sit upon.
  3. The Holy Spirit anointing me with the Seven-Spirits of God which I explained in my first encounter. (All the three (the Trinity), had given me something out of themselves or that was in their hands).
  4. Moreover, a Golden Key of the entire Kingdom-‘To shut and close each and every door of the entire Kingdom; to bind and to loose everything that I wanted upon this earth; and it shall be closed or shall be opened unto me.’

They were an overflowing grace from the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Satan Appeared.

 Immediately that ‘vision’ was over, I was overjoyed, that though I had not finished my prayers God had favoured me enough to give me these Kingdom gifts and divine privileges of of unfathomable Grace.

He had not made my prayers go in vain.

So, I stood up to thank the Lord with more energy now.

A few minutes later, whiles I was praying and thanking the Lord, I felt like something or someone was telling me to turn and look back.

That was the tallest and the darkest figure I had ever encountered in my life.

It was quite huge and tall. It was scary, taller than the camp. It was the Devil Himself.

He was sitting or standing (can’t tell) at the place I was previously sitting, where I had the encounter with the Lord.

Here was another opened vision too, where I could see the devil clearly with my eyes.’

At that instance, I became afraid, but the Lord immediately strengthened me with His Spirit of Might.

Later, the Lord explained to me, ‘All around, He (Satan) was there witnessing and monitoring what the Father, He Himself and the Holy Spirit were trying to give to me.”

He knew and had seen God’s Golden Book, including the Crown, the Throne, the Key of His Kingdom and the Seven Spirits the Lord brought to overshadow me.

It was then I realize that Satan or demons will be there to witness everything that God gives you, tracking every bit of your movements and what you’re going through for the Lord.

Later on, the Lord had equally revealed to me some of ‘Satan’s strategic plans concerning our world and the Church for 2017, 2018 and beyond.’

Today, I can see what the Lord is doing strategically. Many think He’s asleep, when He is not.

He commanded me to set up this website where He will begin to speak to the Church and to the world through my writings and through books that I was mandated or supposed to write. (These were the revelations from His mystery book).

(Meanwhile, I had kept all these secrets from my parents and from all my family as well because the Lord warned me then never to tell anyone until He personally appoints the time.

So now, there were many other experiences which I will share with you since now the Lord has given me the go-ahead, to share them with the world.  I’ll share them with you soon, though some are already here.

Now, the following are some of the mysteries which God had unveiled to me, from His Mysterious Book, in that day of my first ever encounter, with divinity;

  • The Origin of God (To show Where God had come or originated from.)
  • How God looks like: (Do you know how God looks like? This shows how God really looks like.
  • The Source of God’s Intelligence: (Where God obtained His Intelligence from.)
  • How God had designed & created the vast universe: (Under the Mysteries of creation.)
  • How God had designed & created the Earth’s Geological Structure (the globe.)
  • How God had designed & created the Earth’s Geographical Economy.
  • Why God divided the Earth into continents.
  • How the dark matter in Space looks like.
  • The evidence of God’s involvement in the creation of this universe.
  • How God had designed and created Heaven.
  • How Time was in existence before the Sun, Moon and the Stars came about.
  • Where we are all going from here.
  • How the realm of the Spirit looks like.
  • The Meaning & Purpose of Life.
  • The Meaning of Purpose of Love.
  • How Something had come out of Nothing: (What had made life possible when Nothing was in Existence.)
  • The Mystery of His Will.
  • The Mystery of Godliness.
  • How Jesus looks like.
  • The Mystery of Sin.
  • How Satan looks like and many others.

No man can understand or receive these things unless God gives it to Him, because the secret things belong to God our Father.

However, there were also ways in the Lord’s Book tailored to resolve past or current global social-economic issues. I was told to write them down, and they were in the areas of

  • Global food famine or on global economic crisis.
  • Both housing and infrastructural developmental issues affecting the world.
  • Transport-especially, in the area of accidents.
  • Political issues.
  • Health and Sanitation.
  • World Security Issues.
  • And many more…

Indeed, I realized that this was a book that contains God’s Answers & Solutions to all Global Questions and Problems, hidden from the foundations of the world; as the world is currently experiencing these confusions and problems, the Lord had asked me to release all these (mysteries and secrets), He had endowed me with.

Please, read them freely on my website: or watch on my YouTube Channel, the LoveHall Youtube Channel, for free.

God had answered the world, but many do not know about this. Please, head on straight to my website, to read on what God had given to us.

While I am still writing more, there are countless more to come, as Heaven has made it a mandate to expose all things.



We are all to realize by now that, when God brings about a Mystery or a Secret in an age, the purpose is not just to inform, but to resolve an issue. It could be that most of these issues, could be on a global scale, and therefore need a major hauling.

Besides, He wants to save many others-including you!

These are these are the reasons why the Lord gave them.

If we want to live (survive), then we must acknowledge the benefits that are to come out of this.

(Please, read the mysteries by clicking on the link that leads to my Homepage. Click here and subscribe for our future updates.

Thank You.



Visit here To our You Tube Channel Page as well, to watch all Revelatory Episodes.

God bless you.

Prince Akogo.


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